
end of an era

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Report: Thomas out as Knicks coach

NEW YORK (TICKER) —Isiah Thomas likely coached his final game for the New York Knicks on Wednesday.

The New York Daily News reported Thursday that Thomas was told last week that he would not return for a third season as the team’s coach.

According to the newspaper, new Knicks president Donnie Walsh could make an announcement as early as Thursday. Despite two disastrous seasons on the bench marked by controversy on and off the court, Thomas is hoping to remain with the organization in a lesser capacity.

The Knicks’ season ended with a 132-123 loss to the Indiana Pacers on Wednesday. The defeat was New York’s 59th, matching a franchise record set in 2005-06, when the Knicks were coached by Larry Brown.

In his two seasons as Knicks’ coach, Thomas won less than a third of his games, posting a 56-108 record for a winning percentage of .304. Calls for his dismissal by Knicks’ fans at Madison Square began early in the season and continued on an almost nightly basis.

After Wednesday’s defeat, Thomas seemed to be in a state of denial, talking about the team’s “growth” during the season.

“It’s been a very difficult year out on the floor, however inside our locker room, we had a lot of growth,” Thomas said. “The players matured and they grew as men. Those things don’t show up on the floor, but the men that they became in the locker room and the way they conducted themselves through a very tough season says a lot.”

According to the Daily News, Thomas badly wants to stay in the Knicks’ organization. He worked under Walsh in Indiana when he was the Pacers’ coach for three seasons from 2001-03.

“If he needs me to rebound, if he needs me to pass, whatever we need to do here to get things turned around and move in the right direction, his (Walsh’s) vision is one for us to execute,” Thomas told the Daily News. “And I have no problem doing that.”

Thomas, who signed a contract extension worth a reported $24 million 10 months ago, also has been criticized for his decisions as general manager. He loaded up on expensive contracts - creating major salary cap problems - while failing to build a competitive team.

Thomas also found controversy off the court, causing further embarrassment for the franchise.

In November, Madison Square Garden reached an out-of-court settlement for $11.5 million with former executive Anucha Browne Sanders, who had filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against Thomas, Knicks owner James Dolan and the Garden.

hieno mies ja suuri visionääri.
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Vs: end of an era

Ei äkkiä tule mieleen tapausta, missä moisen touhun olisi annettu jatkua näin pitkään. Edes Kevin Minnesotasta ei vedä vertoja tälle miehelle. Äkkiä ei myöskään tule mieleen pelaajaa, joka olisi kussut oman legacynsa noin pahasti syyllistymättä rikokseen.


Isiahia tulee ikävä. Kuten e_D sanoi, hieno mies ja suuri visionääri. Todella.


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Vs: end of an era

Thomas won less than a third of his games, posting a 56-108 record for a winning percentage of .304.

Mitenkään tarkoittamatta kehua Thomasia, minun matematiikalla noilla luvuilla prosentti ei ole .304.
Vs: end of an era

Heitetään tämä nyt tänne kun kukaan muu ei ole vielä uskaltanut: NEW YORK ON VUODEN 2009 PLAYOFFEISSA! Luitte oikein.. Spike Lee pääsee ensi vuonna playoffien makuun, ellei ole jo siirtynyt kokonaan Lakersin leiriin. Miami myös :)


Vs: end of an era

Knicks-fanina helpotus on suuri, vihdoinkin tämä piina loppui. Puolustan Isiahia kuitenkin sen verran koska kunnioitan häntä pelaajana, minun mielestä Isiah on saanut turhaa hatea knicksien heikosta menestyksestä. Miten voit odottaa joukkueeltasi mitään kun a) ketään ei kiinnosta voittaminen, b) kotiyleisö buuaa jokaisesta ohiheitosta, c) joukkueessa on itsekkäitä, läskejä ja ylipalkattuja pelaajia jotka eivät kuuntele mitä valmentaja sanoo heille ? Ei ihme että Larry Brown sai tarpeekseen jo yhden kauden jälkeen. Tiedän että Isiah kokosi tämän joukkueen ja järkyttävät sopimukset näille pelaajille, mutta eikö pelaajien pitäisi edes yrittää, vai meneekö motivaatio siinä samalla kun isketään soppari kouraan ? Tämä Isiahin era Knickseissä todistaa sen faktan, että mitä parempi ura pelaajana, sitä huonompi ura valmentajana ja vice versa. Esim. Phil Jacksonilla ei ollut mikään hääppöinen ura pelaajana, LSD-hörhöilystä ja penkinlämmittäjästä tutuksi tulleesta Jacksonista tulikin yksi kaikkien aikojen parhaista koutseista.
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Vs: end of an era

Until Sunday, when Walsh happened to be in the gym, the Knicks hadn’t had a legitimate practice in a month. Shootarounds seldom lasted more than 15 or 20 minutes on gameday mornings. So much opportunity to develop the Knicks young players went to waste . . .

It wasn’t 10 games into the season when his players privately told people that they could see his heart wasn’t in it, that he was barely trying to coach them. Everyone could see it. Most nights, he never climbed to his feet. He never coached.

Lately, opposing scouts came to the Garden and declared the Knicks the hardest team in the league with which to file reports back to their teams.

“They haven’t run any plays in over a month,” one NBA scout said.

Said another scout, “In all of my years, I’ve never seen anything like it. If (Thomas) is trying to get fired, he’s doing a good job of it.”


Vs: end of an era

Vain yksi mies voi viedä Knicksit loistoon, jonka New York ansaitsee. Murskatkaa Marbury-teekuppinne, pistäkää steamit laulamaan ja kaivakaa se vanha John Starks -pelipaita kalsareiden seasta. Maailman tunnetuimman kaupungin urheilullista lippulaivaa voi johtaa vain yksi henkilö.

Hyvät naiset ja herrat!

Walshin mukaan "henkilö, jonka kanssa hän haluaa keskustella".

Action Jackson odottaa soittoa.
Vs: end of an era


Vs: end of an era


Isiahilta kielletty kaikenlainen yhteydenpito Knicksien pelaajiin :D
Vs: end of an era

Karismaattinen Donner sanoi:
Action Jackson odottaa soittoa.


Action Jackson sai vastattua luuriin ja naamasta-naamaan tapaaminen on sovittu. Mielenkiintoista nähdä kuka valmentaa New Yorkin joukkuetta ensi kaudella.

Mutta onhan tässä sekin vaihtoehto, että teksti on aivan paskaa -tekstin on julkaissut Gheorghen suosikkilähde New York Post.

[quote author=New York Post]April 24, 2008 -- Mark Jackson has already spoken to Donnie Walsh on the phone in the past week, but a face-to-face meeting is expected to come today at 2 Penn Plaza before Jackson is off to Phoenix to broadcast the Spurs-Suns series tomorrow and Sunday.

Jeff Van Gundy called this "a one-horse race" and may be why he bowed out. The only way this one-sided derby gets more interesting is if a new candidate becomes available through firing.

Sam Mitchell, a former Pacers assistant who would be high on Walsh's list, is considered in jeopardy if the Raptors, down 0-2 to Orlando, are bounced in the first round. Unless Jackson bowls him over, like Larry Bird once did, Walsh indicated he may wait.

"You've got to think about that, unless you become really convinced there is a guy suited for your team before that happens," Walsh said. "Then, yeah, I think you see what happens."

A source said Jackson spoke to Walsh before Friday night's conference call that announced Isiah Thomas' removal from the bench. Two days before that, Jackson resigned from YES Network during the Nets New Jersey Nets ' season finale. People close to Scott Skiles are convinced Walsh is set on Jackson because he didn't make a play for Skiles. But Jax may not want to rush as he's under contract with ABC through The Finals.

The key to the upcoming discussions are Jackson's ideas on a coaching staff, since he'll need a couple of veteran assistants to make up for his lack of coaching experience. Walsh is concerned Jackson will not delegate authority - the downfall of Thomas in Indiana and the boon of Larry Bird's reign.

Jackson may look at Bernie Bickerstaff, whom he knows well, Del Harris, Brendan Malone, Paul Silas and Don Chaney as top-assistant candidates.

"A real point guard is basically a coach anyway," Jackson told The Post. "I've had that mentality since I've been playing. It's something I've wanted to do for a long time. I've stolen from all the great ones I've had the privilege of playing for."

That remark was made Feb. 10, 2002 in an interview with this reporter. But he'd say the same thing today.

Bird and Walsh wanted to interview Mitchell in Indiana last year when it looked like he'd be fired. It's known Raptors GM Bryan Colangelo is not crazy about Mitchell and might want to hire his own coach.

Dallas' Avery Johnson and Detroit's Flip Saunders could also be in trouble if their respective teams are eliminated. Walsh waited all the way to July before naming Thomas as his Indiana coach in 2000.

"We all know Donnie likes Mark and it seems a no-brainer, but there's no reason not to wait," a source close to Walsh said.

Mitchell and Johnson appear the only two legit contenders to Jackson's bid. Herb Williams is in the mix but is a longshot. Celtic assistant Tom Thibodeau and Kings assistant Chuck Person are expected to get courtesy interviews.

One reservation Walsh has had about Jackson was his decision to become a broadcaster rather than an assistant coach.

But of the three head coaches named without ever being an assistant - Magic Johnson, Larry Bird and Thomas - Walsh hired two of them.[/quote]
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