
Greg Ostertag

Onko kukaan kuullut kaverista mitään?
Uhosi jossain vaiheessa iskevänsä takasin NBA.han ;D


Vs: Greg Ostertag

eikö täälä ollu hetki sitten joku linkittäny sen tuoreen artikkelin jossa kerrottiin miehen tämän hetken pelikuvioista? ei varmaan ihan suunnatonta etsimistä vaadi (ei tule mieleen, missä muualla oisin voinu artikkeliin törmätä)
7 525
Vs: Greg Ostertag

Muistaakseni Greg Ostertag pelasi ainakin joskus Utah Jazzissa.

Vai oliko se Sacramento Monarchs?

3 106
Vs: Greg Ostertag


Greg yritti. Greg epäonnistui. Jalat eivät kestäneet.

"I regret quitting when I did. At that time, it wasn't so much playing. I was tired of everything that goes along with it, like the travel, not being able to fall asleep before 4 or 5 in the morning. I was tired of all that, but I should have kept going for a couple more years.

"I hope people understand that this was not a publicity stunt. I genuinely wanted to play basketball. The first couple weeks, I thought I was playing decent, but I just wasn't in shape. I was starting to get in shape -- as far as conditioning I felt as good as I've felt (Wednesday night against Tulsa) -- but I just can't move the way I need to. These guys are young and fast. Some of them were just getting out of diapers when I came into the league.

"My mind was going a million miles an hour. I just realized it was time to hang 'em up for good."

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