Vs: SM-LIIGA 2007-2008
raimon kaima sanoi:
sama. väsynyt laji ja väsynyt liiga.
Top 11 Reasons Why Hockey Sucks
11. Anything that Canadians are good at can't be worthwhile.
10. Anything taht North Dakotans are good at can't be worthwhile.
9. True fast breaks are illegal.
8. Squashing an oppontent against a wall by plowing into him at 50 miles per hour is legal, but if you touch him with your hockey stick in an improper manner, it's a foul.
7. All that frenetic nonstop action yielding scores like: 1-0, 2-0, or 3-1.
6. The equipment is too cumbersome to allow for pantomime moonings.
5. The phrase "put the biscuit in the basket" is gay.
4. Penalty box? Deprivation of civil liberties without due process.
3. People with French surnames are allowed to play.
2. The game was invented for the sole benefit of white guys with 4-inch vertical leaps.
1. One word: "mullets".
ps. Kaiken lisäks vitun väsynyttä touhua. Teemo on hot, se vois ostaa mulle auton.