
Hienot NBA-kirjoitukset

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Jimmer Fredette

Moves Like Jimmer

Jimmer Fredette graduated from small-town legend to national hero. Now he’s ready to show he can make it in the NBA.

Jimmer Fredette is not a very good golfer. Last July, at the American Century Championship, a celebrity golf tournament near Lake Tahoe, Fredette finished dead last—in a field that included Charles Barkley.

But regardless of his score, when he’s out West, Jimmermania is still in full swing. Fans follow him with signs and swarm him for autographs. He’s the Michael Jordan of the Mountain Time Zone. Speaking of Jordan, the six-time World Champion was present at the aforementioned golf tourney. Fredette, a Jordan admirer like most basketball players, was all set to meet his idol.

MJ was surely well aware of the accomplishments of the newest Sacramento King; after all, the 6-2 guard from Brigham Young was college basketball’s must-see show last season. Fredette averaged 28.9 points per game during his senior year, on his way to being named National Player of the Year.

Never the fastest, tallest, strongest or most athletic player on the floor, the average-sized Fredette captured America’s imagination with his otherworldly range and electrifying scoring ability.

But on that July day in Lake Tahoe, most important of all was that Fredette had enough street cred to go up to Jordan and introduce himself. So what did Air Jordan say to Thin Air Fredette?


“I wasn’t able to talk to him because they had started the lockout,” Fredette says.

Welcome to the life of an NBA rookie during the lockout.

Koko juttu: http://www.slamonline.com/online/the-magazine/features/2011/12/moves-like-jimmer-fredette-byu-kings/
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Kwame Brown.

Kwame is now two public things. He is Kwame Brown, symbol of self-imposed failure, the punch line to every draft-day joke. But he is also Kwame Brown, employed professional basketball player, who plays with the knowledge that nothing he does on the court can really change his legacy. He could play another five years in the league, improve every season, win a championship, sign a multiyear contract, and retire at the age of 35 with a completely adequate, acceptable second career in the books, but his name will always be synonymous with youth, petulance, and waste.

It's not entirely uncommon for a player to exist mostly as a symbol while still hacking out the last years of his playing career. Michael Jordan was in that position when he drafted Kwame. In his year in Baltimore, Sammy Sosa represented both the so-called revitalization of baseball and its worst scandal. But these sorts of conflations usually come with old age and a firm divorce from the past. (Part of the reason why Barry Bonds never really reached this point was because he never left San Francisco.) It's rare that an athlete will play 10 years in a sport and already have cemented his legacy by the time he turned 20 years old. Ryan Leaf, football player, went away quickly. Unless things take a drastic turn for the better, it looks like Greg Oden, basketball player, will slip from the public's consciousness in a couple of years.

By contrast, this will be the ninth straight season in which Kwame Brown, draft bust and pariah to every D.C. hoops fan, will suit up and play basketball in front of thousands of people who only know him as a disappointment.

Motivoi nyt sitten siinä itsesi treenaamaan.

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Tämä ei ole mikään syväluotaava henkilöprofiili, vaan kahden nuoren pelurin pelitapojen ja kehitystilanteen vertailu:


Joka tapauksessa pirun hyvin kirjoitettu. Erityisesti kohta "Ekpe Udoh – the man drafted one spot ahead of Greg–needs work on the offensive end. Ekpe is often seen, futilely backing down a larger player. Somehow he makes his knees jump as his feet stay grounded. If he’s lucky enough to still be dribbling, his elbow vomits up a pushed 'hook' shot that usually finds the rim like a metal-seeking missile. He is shooting .388% on field goals this year." sai allekirjoittaneen purskauttamaan suuvedet näppikselle.
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hamahakkimies sanoi:
"Diop is the only man alive age 18 or above with the potential to be better than Shaquille O'Neal"

"The Clippers' Chicago-area connection of Corey Maggette and Quentin Richardson and their buddy Darius Miles will lobby for Curry, whom DePaul coach Pat Kennedy once compared to "a young Shawn Kemp." :D

En tiedä hienosti kirjoitetusta, mutta mielipiteet ovat ainakin hienoja. Metta World Peace:
You’re Jeremy Lin, for godsakes. You know what I’m saying? You know? Put down that law book, stop reading the New York Times and start reading the Daily News. Newsday, that’s the one. I like that one because there’s always color in that one. What else? Wall Street Journal. Get some swag. You’re in New York City. Put your hat to the back, too. Put your hat on backwards. Come to practice with your pants sagging and just tell them, 'I don’t feel like practicing.' Practice? You know? Practice? And wear an Iverson jersey. You know? Come to practice with a cigar. Lit. 'I’m Jeremy Lin.' You know? He should change.
Vs: Hienosti kirjoitetut henkilöprofiilit

Muistaako kukaan vielä Lenny Cooken? Ainakin itellä on vahva mielikuva, että jampasta oli joskus 2000-luvun alussa iso juttu Slamissa otsikolla "crooklyn" tms. No ilmeisesti ura ei sitten mennyt hypen mukaisesti. Tämä on kyllä hienosti kirjoitettu henkilöprofiili ehdottomasti ja valaisee hyvin sitä, miten helppo on nuoren lupaavan pelaajan haksahtaa siipeilijöiden huonoihin neuvoihin.

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Vs: Hienot NBA-kirjoitukset

LeBron James "Iholla"


LeBron James sinks into a restaurant booth on the first floor of the Westin in Jersey City, N.J., and orders a chamomile tea. The sun is setting on a Saturday in the middle of April, and through the windows he can see cars snaking toward the Holland Tunnel, beckoned by the lights of New York City. "For me," says James, "this is chillin' time." It is the travel day between two back-to-backs, four games in four cities, and he is swaddled in black sweats and a red Heat baseball cap with a flat black brim. His voice is hoarse but he says he doesn't have a sore throat. He prepares the tea as if it is a science project, lifting a small jar of honey and slowly pouring it into a teaspoon he holds over the mug, until the honey is about to overflow. He lowers the spoon and gently stirs, then squeezes three lemon wedges into the tea and sucks the rinds.
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Roy Hibbertin vaikea matka yhdestä punnerruksesta NBA:n All-Star -otteluun:


Tässä sivutaan Sports Illustratedin artikkelia, jossa väitetään, että Jenkeissä olisi noin 70 kpl 20-40 -vuotiaita sevenfootereita: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/vault/article/magazine/MAG1187806/index.htm

Lisää aiheesta täällä: http://www.truthaboutit.net/2012/05/true-or-false-half-of-all-7-footers-are-in-the-nba.html

(Omasta mielestäni arvio on kovasti alakanttiin, mutta tämä on siis pelkkä vastakkainen arvaus.)
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Vs: Hienot NBA-kirjoitukset

hamahakkimies sanoi:
Ihan asiallinen kirjoitus Eddy Curryn ja Tyson Chandlerin urien leikkauspisteistä ja eroavaisuuksista:


(Tuliko muuten jollekulle muullekin sellainen feelis, että olisi lukenut tuon aivan saman tekstin joskus aiemmin?)
Ei tullut sellaista feelista.
Hieno teksti. Itselleni on kehittynyt ärsyttävä tapa, että kun lukee tämänkaltaisia tekstejä, tulee sen jälkeen uppouduttua Internetin syövereihin useiksi tunneiksi. Miksi? Koska tulee pakottava tarve käydä läpi jutussa mainitut treidit ja draftit, sitä seuranneet treidit, niiden vaikutukset seuraavaan draftiin, edelliset treidit ja draftit jne. Se on loputun suo. Kymmenessäkin vuodessa unohtuu aika isoja treidejä, puhumattakaan niistä joita ei ole edes tajunnut tapahtuneen...
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Jääkenttien Gaselli sanoi:
Hieno teksti. Itselleni on kehittynyt ärsyttävä tapa, että kun lukee tämänkaltaisia tekstejä, tulee sen jälkeen uppouduttua Internetin syövereihin useiksi tunneiksi. Miksi? Koska tulee pakottava tarve käydä läpi jutussa mainitut treidit ja draftit, sitä seuranneet treidit, niiden vaikutukset seuraavaan draftiin, edelliset treidit ja draftit jne. Se on loputun suo. Kymmenessäkin vuodessa unohtuu aika isoja treidejä, puhumattakaan niistä joita ei ole edes tajunnut tapahtuneen...

Tästä on vissiin joskus ollut puhetta. (Uudelleen esille Googlettamiseen meni oikeasti puoli tuntia.)


Valitettavasti tätä ei ole päivitetty vuoteen.
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Greg: "So what is this article going to be about?"

Me: "Well, my goal is to humanize you and give people an idea of what the last five years have been like for you. You might not realize it, but you're one of the biggest enigmas in the NBA. Because of your injuries, most fans haven't seen you play. And since you never do interviews, they don't know anything about you off the court either."

Greg: "I know. And that's the way I like it."

Voivatko asiat mennä vielä pahemmin pieleen?
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Vs: Hienot NBA-kirjoitukset

Kuvaavinta kirjoituksessa on mielestäni se, että suurin osa jutuista on jonkun muun kuin Duncanin itsensä kertomia. Ja periaatteessahan tämä oli Timmyn haastattelu.

Tälläinen pelaajan ja valmentajan suhde lienee varsin harvinainen tänä päivänä:
The story of Duncan's career begins on an island, in the summer of 1997. That's when Popovich flew down to St. Croix to meet his team's No. 1 draft pick. On the first day, Duncan took his new coach swimming. Out they went, one man tall and assured, the other short and as pale as the sand, his arms churning furiously. Duncan led them past rocky outcroppings into deeper water, the shoreline of the island quickly receding. Popovich began to think about how far out they were, about what lay beneath, about the waves cresting off the rocks. Still, he kept going, determined not to show weakness.

Over the next three days—or two or maybe four, neither can remember—the two men swam and lay on the beach and ate, talking about life and family and priorities. Everything but basketball. Despite a difference of nearly 30 years, they connected in a way few athletes and coaches do. Today Popovich tears up just talking about it. "I really cherish that time," he says. "It was like an instant respect and understanding of each other. Almost like we were soul mates."
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Ihan mielenkiintoinen stoori Christian Laettnerista: http://www.jackmccallum.net/2012/06/10/behind-the-interviews-laettner/

Sivulla on vissiin muitakin, mutta en nyt kerkeä niitä lukemaan.

Tai h!tsi vieköön, tässä linkkejä:




edit. Nyt myönnettävä, että "I detail it all in Dream Team" -hokema alkaa pikkuhiljaa rassata.
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