
Koripallon MM-kisat 2010

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Vs: Koripallon MM-kisat 2010

Paul Shirleyn kommentteja MM-kisoista:


[quote author="http://www.flipcollective.com/2010/09/14/the-fiba-world-championship-and-what-fans-really-want-by-paul-shirley/"]Do you like the NBA?

When I ask most sports fans that question, they say no. Usually, they add the following caveat:

“But I do like college basketball.”

They say that college players “care more” and that they “play harder.” By the time I’ve explained that it only seems like the college players are playing harder because they haven’t yet learned how to control their bodies, and so spend an inordinate amount of time slamming into each other and into the floor*, they’ve begun high-fiving fellow Kansas Jayhawk fans and I’m left craning my neck to see the one television in the bar that is showing the Finals game.

I’ve come to accept that I’m not going to convince many people to watch the NBA. And as I’ve retreated from uniform-wearing to uniform-watching, I’ve begun to understand what people don’t like about the NBA. Most notably, that NBA players don’t appear to be having any fun.

When most NBA players score, they act like the basket was the expected outcome, not a possible one. When they get called for a foul, they moan as if it is inconceivable that they could have erred, even as a replay shows them trying for a crude amputation of another man’s arm. And when they play, they do it selfishly, spending most of their time clearing the floor so one lanky guy who can’t spell “undergraduate degree” can take an ill-timed shot over another lanky guy who can’t read “undergraduate degree”.

Suffice to say, professional basketball has an image problem.

Enter the cure: the FIBA World Championship.[/quote]
Vs: Koripallon MM-kisat 2010

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Paul Shirleyn kommentteja MM-kisoista:


hieno artikkeli... ja varmasti paljon hyvaa faktaa. kannattaa tosiaan lukea tuo.. kiitokset etta laitot linkin tuohon!
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