
Petteri Koponen ja Teemu Rannikko - Italian Lega A 2011-12

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Vs: Petteri Koponen ja Teemu Rannikko - Italian Lega A 2011-12

-Nisula- sanoi:
Onnea Petskulle huippudiilistä! Huvittavia ovat nämä neuvonantajat, joiden mielestä kantsis pelaa jotain uhkapeliä ja odotella enemmin kuin allekirjoittaa lottovoittajan paperit. Ja parhaassa tapauksessa nuo venäjän liksat tulevat nettona, niin ei kai tossa tartte edes miettiä? Liksa ja vastuu paremmat kuin NBA:ssa ja soparin loppumisen jälkeen on eläkerahat tienattuna ja ikää vasta 27, joten ei se NBA silloinkaan ole vielä poissa laskuista...

+ 1.
Vs: Petteri Koponen ja Teemu Rannikko - Italian Lega A 2011-12

No tuon uutisen jälkeen se on varmaa, kun on Koposen omiakin kommentteja eikä pelkkiä huhuja. Kovaan joukkueeseen pääsi hyvällä sopimuksella.
2 592
Vs: Petteri Koponen ja Teemu Rannikko - Italian Lega A 2011-12

Yes, Petsku pääsee pelaamaan Euroliigaa kovassa joukkueessa. Näin sen pitikin mennä.
Vs: Petteri Koponen ja Teemu Rannikko - Italian Lega A 2011-12

Ihan kiva kuukausiliksa Petskulla, kun vielä tulee nettona (75 tonttua kuussa), jepjep. Onnea vaan Petskulle ja menestystä Venäjällä ja Euroliigassa :)
Vs: Petteri Koponen ja Teemu Rannikko - Italian Lega A 2011-12

Jos tulee nettona, niin on kyllä tosi kova soppari. NBA:ssa olisi ollut 30:n varauksen rookie palkka 850 000$, eli noin 685 000€ - verot, noin 40% eli nettona noin 412 t€.

En ihmettele Koposen valintaa yli kaksinkertainen palkka Venäjällä ja euroliigaa vs. puolikas palkka ja epävarma NBA mahdollisuus.
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Vs: Petteri Koponen ja Teemu Rannikko - Italian Lega A 2011-12

Onko jenkeissä noin kova verotus isopalkkaisilla?
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Vs: Petteri Koponen ja Teemu Rannikko - Italian Lega A 2011-12

Petteri ja hänen lähimmät neuvonantajansa ovat varmuudella tehneet kokonaisharkinnan jälkeen oikean ratkaisun.

Hieno nähdä Petteri Euroliigassa, kun se aikanaan käynnistyy. Ja sitä ennen jo maajoukkueessa.

Lämpimät onnittelut ovat paikallaan ja kaiken menestyksen hänelle mieluusti suo. 8]
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Vs: Petteri Koponen ja Teemu Rannikko - Italian Lega A 2011-12

Dallas bleacher report

Plan B for the Mavericks (if they can't sign Deron Williams) goes by the name of Petteri Koponen.

For those unfamiliar with Euroleague basketball, Koponen is a 6'4", Finnish point guard who currently plays for Virtus Bologna in the top-level Italian basketball league. Koponen was originally selected by the Philadelphia 76ers with the 30th overall pick in the 2007 NBA Draft, but his rights were traded to Dallas last June for the 57th pick in the 2011 draft.

According to reports, Koponen is eager to make the leap to the NBA, but he won't leave Europe if he is destined to be relegated to the bench next season. So, in short, if Dallas does sign Williams, don't expect to see Koponen in a Mavericks' uniform any time soon.

UPDATE (6/1): SportandoBasket is reporting that Koponen has agreed to a three-year deal with Khimki Moscow. Should Koponen want to continue to pursue his NBA dream, the contract contains opt-out clauses after each season.
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Vs: Petteri Koponen ja Teemu Rannikko - Italian Lega A 2011-12


News from Cimberio Varese - Jun 10, 2012


Cimberio Varese got a new Head Coach earlier this week (Francesco Vitucci) and immediately focused on making the roster for the 2012/13 season. According to Varese's President Francesco Vescovi, the team will keep Rok Stipcevic (185-PG-86) for the next season. Reportedly, the player wants to stay with the club and the new coach likes him, so the extension will be signed soon. Vescovi also said that Varese negotiates extension with Janar Talts (206-C-83). The team will opt out of the contract with Teemu Rannikko (188-G-80), who will be evaluated during the summer. The player had successful surgery recently. Yakhouba Diawara (201-F-82, college: Pepperdine) is for sure out of Varese, while Phil Goss (186-G-83, college: Drexel) is under the question mark.
As mentioned above, Francesco Vitucci took over Varese few days ago. The Italian specialist signed a 2-season deal with the club. Vitucci spent last two years with Avellino. They were No.9 in the league this season with 15-17 record. Before Avelino, Vitucci coached Benetton Treviso. He was hired by Benetton as Assistant Coach in 2003 and finally in 2009 he got the promotion. However, Vitucci was Head Coach of the team for only few months as they parted ways in January of 2010. In the past, Francesco Vitucci coached Scafati and Imola. In 2009, he served as Assistant Coach of the Italian National Team. They competed at Mediterranean Games and EuroBasket in Poland. Vitucci's new team Cimberio Varese reached SerieA Quarterfinals this year. They ended as No.8 of the regular season with 17-15 record.
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Vs: Petteri Koponen ja Teemu Rannikko - Italian Lega A 2011-12

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