

Rea Listi sanoi:
Ei tässä voi kauheasti hurrata, kun yksikään kakkonen ei uponnut ja menetyksiäkin tuli kolme!

Heh heh.

Vetipä Teemu komean illan Zagrebissa.

38 pt

Rea Listi sanoi:
Ei tässä voi kauheasti hurrata, kun yksikään kakkonen ei uponnut ja menetyksiäkin tuli kolme!

Heh heh, oletpa sinä huumorimiehiä. Yksi kakkonen ei uponnut. Vapareissakin "vain" 8/10. Ja riistojakin vain kolme. Aina voi dissata, jos haluaa.
5 574

Ride on.

Taisi olla Euroopan huippusarjojen vakuuttavin suoritus koko kauden aikana. Vähän hävettää, että mollasin Rannikkoa heikosti sujuneiden Euroliigamatsien jälkeen ;)

Nöyryys palkitaan

jaakko1 sanoi:

Ride on.

Taisi olla Euroopan huippusarjojen vakuuttavin suoritus koko kauden aikana. Vähän hävettää, että mollasin Rannikkoa heikosti sujuneiden Euroliigamatsien jälkeen  ;)

Eli sen yhden.


Teemu Rannikko

Thursday, 22.12.2005. @ 13:45
INTERVIEW: Teemu Rannikko - I would like to to stay in Olimpija

Teemu Rannikko: I would like to to stay in Olimpija

Problems Union Olimpija has been facing from the beginning of the season didn't put the club in a very good position neithe rin Goodyear League nor in Euroleague. But things finally started to change after the arrival of the head-coach Zmago Sagadin. One of the players who has a very important role in the Olimpija's line-up is guard Teemu Rannikko who had the best performance of his career on Sunday against Zagreb (index 46), being named the MVP of the 12th round, but is also under the spotlight on every game, played in both competitions. The 25-year-old Finn signed a two-year contract with Union Olimpija at the beginning of the season after spending the previous years in Italy, with Reggio Emilia, Roseto and Scavolini.

Congratulations. You were named the MVP of the 12th round after a great performance in Zagreb where you reached one of the best indexes ever achieved in Goodyear League.
Oh, I didn't know that. We didn't win any game away since the first victory in Zadar so therefore it was a very important success for us and we really needed it. But of course, when you're playing good and the team is winning it is a perfect situation. It is fun to play when you're shooting so good as I did in Zagreb.

It is your first season in Ljubljana and your role on the court is totally different compared to the previous years spent in Italy. Did you expect to be so much under the spotlight?
The nicest thing the player can face with is that you are playing a lot of minutes, the coach is trusting you, you can make shoots and that if you do a mistake you still stay on the court. While being in Italy I first injured my knee and then in the previous year I had troubles with the changing of the coach. it was very difficult and frustrating for me. I didn't play and that was the first reason I came here. I wanted to play and I was promised to get minutes on the court in Ljubljana. Once you're playing you get the confidence back and it is much easier to play.

But Olimpija lacks good guards and the inside line is not functioning. Therefore you and Yotam Halerpin held even a bigger burden playing on the outside positions. Is it this stressful?
It is but that's the place every player wanna be in. That's what we're practicing for, to become the kind of player who's gonna make the last shoot or who can take a couple of shoots more when playing one on one. I'm 25-year-old and in this phase of my career when I need to play as much as possible because that's the only way I can improve. It is a different role for me but on the other hand it is similar to the one I have in the national team. At the moment I really do play a lot but whether things will stay the same depends on how good will I be at practices and games in the future. But I do have a two-year contract and I would like to stay in Ljubljana also in the 2006/07 season.

But are you totally satisfied with everything so far?
Of course not. I mean everything here is nice. I love being here, I love the city, the organization is good but the way we've been playing – of course I am not satisfied. In Euroleague we should have one or two victories more and in Goodyear League maybe four or five but that's up to us, players. We didn't play some games like we are able to and the result is evident. We have to keep improving our game and I think in the last couple of weeks we made a step forward, we defeated AEK and Climamio at home and I think we're going in the right direction. But we need wins in both competitions we're participating in because we still have our goals we want to reach.

You got a lot of informations about Ljubljana and Olimpija before you even came here and you knew Olimpija is a kind of basketball institution on this territory. Where you surprised with the fact how bad you started into the season?
Yes, I was. Of course it was difficult, we had a totally new team, Dragiša Drobnjak was the only player from the previous season who has been playing from the beginning. Therefore we knew it is gonna take a while but then we have troubles with not playing that good as we were practicing. And when you lose two or three games in a row – the ones in which you should be successful – the bad feeling just keeps spreading in your head and it is not easy to be victorious afterwards. There were many games when we were down by two, three points or up by one with only few minutes left but we just couldn't win, we actually didn't know how to win those games. Of course, this is a big disappointement for me. But on the other hand, like you said, I knew what kind of place I am coming to. Olimpija's ex-star Marko Milič was my team-mate for three years and he told me almost everything. He called me even today (Tuesday) asking me how am I doing here. It has been like a thought it will be – a lot of practicing, a lot of hard practices but that is the way to improve the skills and the game.

At least things started to improve in Euroleague but in Goodyear League Olimpija is still on the 11th place which is the worst position since the club participates in the regional league. When is to expect things will start to go upwards?
I think the qualification for the Final Eight Tournament is the goal and we can do reach it since we are only one or two victories away from the seventh or sixth place. We should be there already now but we still have about 14, 16 days left and it is enough time to show to prove ourselves. But we have to start defeating opponents at home and on the road. Indeed, we improved the whole picture in Euroleague at least a bit. The situation is not great yet but we have the chance to go to Top 16. Before I even came in Ljubljana everybody were saying that Olimpija belongs under the top of the Goodyear Legaue's standing. Knowing that I say to myself after being defeated against Hemofarm: hey, we should've be atop where they are. We still have to improve a lot in our defense and offense.

How much changed since the new head-coach Zmago Sagadin has came? Is the story of his killing rhythm at practices only a myth or were the last couple of weeks really very difficult?
Well, every time you face the change of the coach is not nice. But we're practicing very hard and also pretty well too. He has his own system and he is gonna take the time to put it in practice. Others told me a lot about him. I was playing with Mario Kraljević for one season in the past and of course with Milič. Both know Zmago Sagadin very good. Milič called me immediatly after he had heard about the coaching change and said Zmago is a great coach. Scoonie Penn, who has been practicing under Sagadin in Crvena zvezda, was also my team-mate in Scavolini in the previous season. But first it was pretty difficult for me. At the beginnning of the previous season I was playing a lot, from 20 to 25 minutes per game. Then the management of Scavolini changed the coach and the new one brought Penn so I didn't play that much afterwards. That's why I was nervous when Zmago came. I was thinking maybe he will not like me. But then I focused on practices.

You will not have much time to celebrate the Christmas and the New Year holidays since the coaching stuff plans a mini practicing camp.
It will not be the first time for me to spend the holidays working. I didn't went home even in the previous three years. I am from Finland and Christmas is the biggest holiday we have there. Therefore my parents will come to Ljubljana and I will find time for a quite Christmas dinner even if we will be practicing. I am used to this rhythm since in Italy we always had the evening practice on the 24th of December. Yotam Halperin is also coming to us this year and this will be his first Christmas since they do not have this holiday in Israel.



UO-Bamberg 57-59, hävisivät viime hetken korilla. Teemulla UO:n parhaat tilastot 16 pt http://www.euroleague.net/stats/statsPartido05.jsp?temporada=E05&jornada=9&partido=97
Valmentajahan toteaa Euroliigan kotisivuilla Rannikon olleen tässä(kin) pelissä heidän yksinäinen moottorinsa, monien muiden osien pettäneen ja onnenkin jättäneen. Kaks viime hetken tappiota taitaa pukukopissa tuntua aika pahalta.
5 574
Olimpija hävisi taas, tällä kertaa Adriatic-liigassa. Rannikko ei jostain syystä pelannut, onko kenelläkään tarkempaa tietoa Rannikon tilanteesta? Uusi kaveri Demarco Johnson esiintyi debyytissään edukseen kirjauttaen Olimpijan parhaat teholukemat parinkymmenen minuutin peliajassa.

Ilkka Koivistoinen

No joo...

Teemun kanssa tossa juttelin ja yhdessä tultiin siihen tulokseen, että uusi kaveri on liian kova Temelle. Uusi seura on jo haussa, suuntana luultavimmin Keski-Eurooppa...

Palikat sekaisin

Ilkka Koivistoinen sanoi:
No joo...

Teemun kanssa tossa juttelin ja yhdessä tultiin siihen tulokseen, että uusi kaveri on liian kova Temelle. Uusi seura on jo haussa, suuntana luultavimmin Keski-Eurooppa...

Joo, power forwardin paikkaa Teemu on koko ajan Olimpijassakin pelannut, herra Koivistoinen. Ainakin pelin jälkeisissä raporteissa Teemua pidetään UO:n moottorina. "Za nameček smo pogrešali še Rannikka, ki je motor naše ekipe."


Alkaa Teemu olla aika ylhäällä pointtien rankingissa Euroliigan Fantasychallengessa eli kasina: http://fantasychallenge.euroleague.net/playermarket.php sekä upeat tilastot muutenkin http://www.euroleague.net/plantillas/jugador.jsp?id=BPB kun runkosarjassa on kaksi matsia jäljellä. Ardianliigassa tilastot ovat vieläkin komeammat http://goodyear.adriaticbasket.com/igraci_scoreboard.php

Mitä mieltä, jatkaako Teemu vielä ensi vuonna Olimpijassa kasvamassa edelleen korkoa vai ostaako joku Euroopan suurseuroista hänet?


Spekula sanoi:
Mitä mieltä, jatkaako Teemu vielä ensi vuonna Olimpijassa kasvamassa edelleen korkoa vai ostaako joku Euroopan suurseuroista hänet?

Eikö Teemu pitäisi saada NBA-kentille?

Kerran jo ilmoittautuikin NBA-Draftiin!

Onko niinkutsutusti Pupu pöksyssä vaiko rahantuloako tässä maksimoidaan?


Tuhnu sanoi:
Eikö Teemu pitäisi saada NBA-kentille?

Kerran jo ilmoittautuikin NBA-Draftiin!

Onko niinkutsutusti Pupu pöksyssä vaiko rahantuloako tässä maksimoidaan?
Mitäs mieltä olette Rannikon mahdollisuuksista Nba:ssa? Pärjäiskö jonkin huonon joukkueen backuppointtina 10min/peli?


Ei pärjäisi huonon joukkueen, mutta hyvän voisi pärjätäkin. Pelailis 8 min per matsi tehoilla 2,1 ppg , 0,6 rpg ja 1,4 apg. FG33% ja FG3 31%. Varma tieto...
Näyttää siltä, että suomalainen media on käynyt Ljubljanassa asti haastattelemassa Rannikkoa:


Uusi jenkkitakamies jengin on tosiaan tulossa, mutta ei hän ymmärtääkseni ole Rannikon uhka, pikemminkin tuki. Sagadin ei taida uskoa levon merkitykseen ;). Eikä herkistely tällä kaudella enää auttaisikaan.
Tuhnu sanoi:
Eikö Teemu pitäisi saada NBA-kentille?

Kerran jo ilmoittautuikin NBA-Draftiin!

Onko niinkutsutusti Pupu pöksyssä vaiko rahantuloako tässä maksimoidaan?

Minkä takia Teemun pitäisi oikeastaa yrittää NBA:han? Euroopasta löytyy paljon mukavampia maita asua kuin USA ja rahaakin tulee varmasti jo nyt riittävästi. Teemu pelaa nyt isoa roolia huippujoukkueita vastaa ja koripallosäännöillä (IMHO). Iso syy on varmasti kuitenkin myös se että Teemu ei taida olla varsinainen jenkkityypin pointti, tuulennopea ja hirveen korkeelle ponnistava.


Ray Allenin pallo sanoi:
Minkä takia Teemun pitäisi oikeastaa yrittää NBA:han?

Siksi, että NBA on jokaisen koripalloilijan unelma. Euroopan pelikentät ovat aika pieniä siihen verrattuna. Jos Teemu pelaisi jalkapalloa, tilanne olisi toinen.

Kysymys: Mitä kertoi Hanno Möttölä, kun mies siirtyi Atlantasta Espanjan Tau Vitoriaan?
Vastaus: Tavoitteeni on palata NBA:han.

Eilisessä Urheilukanavan korislähetyksessä haastateltiin Petteri Koposta. Ei tarvinnut haastattelijan paljoa udella, kun Petteri päästi suustaan unelmansa. Se on NBA.
Jotta voit kirjoittaa viestejä, sinun täytyy rekisteröityä foorumille. Rekisteröityminen on ilmaista, helppoa ja nopeaa. Rekisteröidy tästä.