
The Forgotten STAR - 'Toine Watch 07/08

3 106
Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

Pacers teki Bostonille näin:


Boston tarvitsee uuden valmentajan.

Harmi, että AW ei vieläkään saanut ympärilleen kunnon joukkuetta, eikä päässyt näyttämään liigalle, että hän on todella SE pelaaja. Veikkauksia AW:n ensi kauden palkasta ja seurasta?

Veikkaan paikaksi Boston ja palkaksi liikaa.
1 229
Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

Playa* sanoi:

AW8 teki omansa, mutta Pierce ja nuoret kundit  möhlivät game 7nin. Harmin paikka, liigan parhaimmistoon kuuluva Walker pois ja vain toinen legendoista, Reggie Miller, jatkaa Playoff runnia.

Jos "vain toinen" legendoista jatkaa playoff -runnia, niin kukakohan on se ensimmäinen legenda?? Walkerko?

JJ Red

Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

Playa* sanoi:

AW8 teki omansa, mutta Pierce ja nuoret kundit möhlivät

Kato niitä pelejä äläkä boxscoren avulla arvioi miten on menny.Walker otti NIIN huonoja heittoja ettei mitään rajaa ja pelas omaan pussiin.Koko joukkueelta huono peli.BTW Walker ei todellakaan ole legenda.
1 753
Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

Walker tullaan muistamaan legendaarisena , isona miehenä , joka viskoo kolmosia enemmän kuin takamiehet konsanaan.


Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

Lukemisen arvoinen, tosin pari kk vanha teksti.

Be honest. We've all been dumping on `Toine since the Celtics' season ended so unceremoniously on Saturday, May 7th against the Pacers. Antoine takes too many threes. Antoine needs the ball in his hands. Antoine shoots too much. Antoine's got no lift. Antoine makes terrible decisions. Antoine can't play defense. Antoine's not coachable. Antoine's taking too much time away from Al Jefferson. Antoine was paid off by Larry Bird to take the C's down in the first round.
Yes, while I did make that last one up, it's only a matter of time until it starts to make the rounds. I mean, if a class act like Pete Rose can be accused of betting on baseball then...wait, he admitted it? OK, scrap that. If a guy like Mark McGwire, who saved baseball, can be accused of using steroids, then...you don't say. McGwire too. Who knew?

Anyway, I've had enough with the `Toine-bashing.  It's overdone, and it's not so accurate, either. Not to go all Rose on you, but I'd be willing to bet that half the people complaining about #8 are the same guys that tore Danny Ainge apart for a year and a half for sending him out of town in the first place.  Please. That's just what Slippery Rick was talking about when he coined the phrase "Fellowship of the Miserable." Glad he got something right during his stay in Beantown.

The bottom line is this: Antoine Walker is a good, valuable player and an even better person. If not for Walker, there's no way anyone's talking about the Celtics at all right now. The draft is still a good four weeks away and the Green and White haven't played for close to a month, but they're still in the minds of a number of Bostonians, something that couldn't be said between November and February. More than anything else, that might be the lasting legacy of the Second Coming of `Toine: People actually care about the Celtics.  The attendance figures don't lie. The pre-Walker Celtics of 2004-05 were attracting just over 13,000 fans for each game. Post-Walker? Over 17,000.

Let's remember, also, that Antoine almost single-handedly gave Boston their only distraction between the Pats Superbowl victory and the beginning of the Red Sox title defense. Between February 25th, when Walker played his first game (again) for the Celtics and the night of March 23, the C's ripped off 11 wins in 12 games, sparked by Antoine's return.  While he wasn't necessarily the star of all those games, he was the leading scorer and/or rebounder in eight of those contests and anyone who watched knows that Antoine was the catalyst in almost all of them.

That winning streak and the energy that was suddenly evident from the rest of the team and the fans was a direct result of Antoine's fiery spirit and competitive drive.  No one in that locker room, and dare I say it, in the Celtics' organization wanted the team to win more than Antoine. No one can argue that Walker's shot selection is, to be kind, questionable. That, as well as his unfailing need to have the ball during key stretches, however foolhardy, comes from his desire to win games. I challenge you to find a player on the 2004-05 Celtics who wanted to win more than Walker. Not Paul Pierce. He wanted the glory. Not Ricky Davis. He wanted the points (his armband says "Get Buckets," not "Get Wins" for heaven's sake). Gary Payton just wanted to be in control. Mark Blount wanted to get out of the arena every night. And the young guns don't yet know what winning is.  

Two days before the Walker trade was made, the Celtics played the Lakers in a game that perfectly demonstrated this point. Boston had a solid lead for most of the night until LA went on the obligatory late game run. As soon as the Lakers went ahead on a Brian Grant free throw, it was obvious that the C's just put their heads down, as if waiting for the guillotine. They were going to lose, and they knew it, so why try? The team's indifference led to a nine-point loss.

Following Walker's return, the change was startling. Against Utah, a fourth quarter deficit that surely would have spelled defeat in the past turned into a Celtic victory on the strength of Antoine's baby hook shots. There was a thriller against Phoenix when Walker's will to win clearly affected his teammates (specifically Delonte West, who was willing to get into a tiff with Amare Stoudemire) as the Celtics triumphed in OT. And there was that incredible, double OT statement win against the world champion Pistons when Walker played horribly, but his never-say-die attitude raised the game of Pierce, Davis and Payton.  Say what you want about Cyber-Toine, but on this team, he was the King of Hearts.

One other thing: I wasn't covering the Celtics during Walker's first stay, so my initial impressions of him were pretty much the same as the rest of league. You know, all pouty and entitled, unhealthy grasp on the franchise and stuff like that.  Fact is, though, Antoine's a gentleman and a genuinely good guy.  When Antoine screwed up he didn't duck out early to avoid the questions. He faced the music; he took his medicine. He did it politely, too, no matter how upset he was (something that can't be said about a certain Celtics' captain). Say what you want about the man, but don't tell me he's not a team player. Any coach would love to have his attitude in the huddle and in the locker room.

You know what? Antoine's shot selection drives me crazy most of the time. His yearning to be a point forward and three-point shooter is devastating to his game. He will never be a good defender. If he wants a cent over $7 million for his next contract (and that might be too high), just say thanks, but no thanks.  But don't go trashing him when he is one of the only guys on this team who understands what it is to be a Celtic.  He's also one of the few players left in the league that actually wants to be a Celtic. Personally, I think that's worth our respect.  

That may be one thing that Antoine has never really gotten in Boston.

celtic pride

Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

Tervajoki sanoi:
Lukemisen arvoinen, tosin pari kk vanha teksti.

Be honest. We've all been dumping on `Toine since the Celtics' season ended so unceremoniously on Saturday, May 7th against the Pacers. Antoine takes too many threes. Antoine needs the ball in his hands. Antoine shoots too much. Antoine's got no lift. Antoine makes terrible decisions. Antoine can't play defense. Antoine's not coachable. Antoine's taking too much time away from Al Jefferson. Antoine was paid off by Larry Bird to take the C's down in the first round.
Yes, while I did make that last one up, it's only a matter of time until it starts to make the rounds. I mean, if a class act like Pete Rose can be accused of betting on baseball then...wait, he admitted it? OK, scrap that. If a guy like Mark McGwire, who saved baseball, can be accused of using steroids, then...you don't say. McGwire too. Who knew?

Anyway, I've had enough with the `Toine-bashing.  It's overdone, and it's not so accurate, either. Not to go all Rose on you, but I'd be willing to bet that half the people complaining about #8 are the same guys that tore Danny Ainge apart for a year and a half for sending him out of town in the first place.  Please. That's just what Slippery Rick was talking about when he coined the phrase "Fellowship of the Miserable." Glad he got something right during his stay in Beantown.

The bottom line is this: Antoine Walker is a good, valuable player and an even better person. If not for Walker, there's no way anyone's talking about the Celtics at all right now. The draft is still a good four weeks away and the Green and White haven't played for close to a month, but they're still in the minds of a number of Bostonians, something that couldn't be said between November and February. More than anything else, that might be the lasting legacy of the Second Coming of `Toine: People actually care about the Celtics.  The attendance figures don't lie. The pre-Walker Celtics of 2004-05 were attracting just over 13,000 fans for each game. Post-Walker? Over 17,000.

Let's remember, also, that Antoine almost single-handedly gave Boston their only distraction between the Pats Superbowl victory and the beginning of the Red Sox title defense. Between February 25th, when Walker played his first game (again) for the Celtics and the night of March 23, the C's ripped off 11 wins in 12 games, sparked by Antoine's return.  While he wasn't necessarily the star of all those games, he was the leading scorer and/or rebounder in eight of those contests and anyone who watched knows that Antoine was the catalyst in almost all of them.

That winning streak and the energy that was suddenly evident from the rest of the team and the fans was a direct result of Antoine's fiery spirit and competitive drive.  No one in that locker room, and dare I say it, in the Celtics' organization wanted the team to win more than Antoine. No one can argue that Walker's shot selection is, to be kind, questionable. That, as well as his unfailing need to have the ball during key stretches, however foolhardy, comes from his desire to win games. I challenge you to find a player on the 2004-05 Celtics who wanted to win more than Walker. Not Paul Pierce. He wanted the glory. Not Ricky Davis. He wanted the points (his armband says "Get Buckets," not "Get Wins" for heaven's sake). Gary Payton just wanted to be in control. Mark Blount wanted to get out of the arena every night. And the young guns don't yet know what winning is.  

Two days before the Walker trade was made, the Celtics played the Lakers in a game that perfectly demonstrated this point. Boston had a solid lead for most of the night until LA went on the obligatory late game run. As soon as the Lakers went ahead on a Brian Grant free throw, it was obvious that the C's just put their heads down, as if waiting for the guillotine. They were going to lose, and they knew it, so why try? The team's indifference led to a nine-point loss.

Following Walker's return, the change was startling. Against Utah, a fourth quarter deficit that surely would have spelled defeat in the past turned into a Celtic victory on the strength of Antoine's baby hook shots. There was a thriller against Phoenix when Walker's will to win clearly affected his teammates (specifically Delonte West, who was willing to get into a tiff with Amare Stoudemire) as the Celtics triumphed in OT. And there was that incredible, double OT statement win against the world champion Pistons when Walker played horribly, but his never-say-die attitude raised the game of Pierce, Davis and Payton.  Say what you want about Cyber-Toine, but on this team, he was the King of Hearts.

One other thing: I wasn't covering the Celtics during Walker's first stay, so my initial impressions of him were pretty much the same as the rest of league. You know, all pouty and entitled, unhealthy grasp on the franchise and stuff like that.  Fact is, though, Antoine's a gentleman and a genuinely good guy.  When Antoine screwed up he didn't duck out early to avoid the questions. He faced the music; he took his medicine. He did it politely, too, no matter how upset he was (something that can't be said about a certain Celtics' captain). Say what you want about the man, but don't tell me he's not a team player. Any coach would love to have his attitude in the huddle and in the locker room.

You know what? Antoine's shot selection drives me crazy most of the time. His yearning to be a point forward and three-point shooter is devastating to his game. He will never be a good defender. If he wants a cent over $7 million for his next contract (and that might be too high), just say thanks, but no thanks.  But don't go trashing him when he is one of the only guys on this team who understands what it is to be a Celtic.  He's also one of the few players left in the league that actually wants to be a Celtic. Personally, I think that's worth our respect.  

That may be one thing that Antoine has never really gotten in Boston.

Ihan järkevää tekstiä tuo kyllä, tuskin edellinen kirjoittaja edes koko juttua luki :D varsinkin tuo kohta siitä kuinka Walker välittää siitä että on Celtic, ja on yksi harvoista joille on vielä merkitystä mitä joukuetta edustaa, se näyttää olevan hänelle kunnia ja etuoikeus. tuollaista asennetta ei nykyurheilussa enää kovin usein näe.


Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker


EMPLOYEEEEEEEEEEE #8 in Miami, bringing home those Rings


Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

BSPN sanoi:
Ei vittu, toi Tervajoki on taas täällä...

Back on topic:

"I'm ready to play any role they give me, off the bench or starting, passing, scoring, rebounding or defending, I can do whatever they ask me to. I've spoken to Shaq and we hit it off. The teams has alot of potential and we will certainly work hard this summer to achieve A-game before the season starts... I just want to help this team get a ring or more." Walker, ESPN press conference
Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

This Walker-guy must be good. I've heard he can do a lot of different things.

Harmi vaan, että oon nähny sen jättävän monta asiaa tekemättä kentällä(varsinkin surullisenkuuluisana Dallas-vuotena).
Muttamutta onhan Miamilla nimien valossa pelottavan kova paketti kasassa. Jos Walker palaa vuosien takaiseen Celtics-kuntoonsa, niin Heatilla on hyvät mahdollisuudet mestaruuteen.
1 753
Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

3. Ironically, Antoine is the guy who worries me here. Do you really want him playing over Udonis Haslem (someone who crashes the boards and knows his role)? Can Antoine accept playing a complimentary role on a great team? He certainly wasn't able to do it in Dallas -- they pretty much benched him by the end of the 2003 playoffs -- and in Boston last spring, after saying and doing all the right things for two months, he ended up launching 104 shots in six games during the Indiana series and carrying himself like the best guy on the court. Which he wasn't. So how will he accept being the third option behind two superstars? What will happen in Game 7 of the Eastern Finals against the Pistons or Pacers, when they're down by two with a minute and 30 seconds remaining and he's wide-open from 26 feet? Does he take the shot, even when he's playing with two much better scoring options? I think he does. You can't change who you are.

Here's the thing about 'Toine: After watching him for two months last season, I was surprised to see how much his game has slipped around the basket -- nobody in the league misses more layups and four-footers, partly because he doesn't have the hops anymore (remember, he has some miles on him -- nearly 700 regular-season games, plus another 37 playoff games in just eight seasons), partly because his free-throw shooting has slipped so much that he rushes his shots before he gets fouled. He also makes some of the worst decisions on fast breaks of anyone I've ever seen -- for instance, he botched two four-on-ones in the same half during one of those Indiana games. But if Antoine just concentrates on the things he does well -- interior defense, defensive rebounding, wide-open 3s, entry passes to big men, pick-and-rolls where he's rolling -- he could be a major asset to Miami. I guess we'll see.

Miamiin menemisestä. Aika osuva. Suosittelen sinullekin Suga ....


far out

Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

dynastY sanoi:
Miamiin menemisestä. Aika osuva. Suosittelen sinullekin Suga ....


Jos luet vähän pintaa syvemmälle niin tajuat, että tuokin teksti on aika löyhää kamaa. Kaverihan onnistuu puhumaan itsensä pussiin tuossa parin rivin pituisessa tekstissä jo.

ensin hän sanoo tämän:
"when they're down by two with a minute and 30 seconds remaining and he's wide-open from 26 feet? Does he take the shot, even when he's playing with two much better scoring options? I think he does. You can't change who you are."

sitten tämän:
"But if Antoine just concentrates on the things he does well -- interior defense, defensive rebounding, wide-open 3s, entry passes to big men, pick-and-rolls where he's rolling -- he could be a major asset to Miami."

Loppujen lopuksi, on 1000 syytä miksi Walker on kaikkea mitä Miami tarvitsee, ja on varmasti saman verran miksi hän ei olisi sitä. Ajatuksia kannattaa lukea RealGM forumeilta Miami Heat osastolta. Dynastyn luottamus ESPN:nään (tai BSPN kuten hän sitä kutsuu kun Kobea haukutaan) on aika vaihteleva, nähtävästi riippuu ainoastaan siitä onko hän samaa mieltä asiasta (Kobe sucks/doesn't suck).


Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

dynastY sanoi:
Miamiin menemisestä. Aika osuva. Suosittelen sinullekin Suga ....

far out sanoi:
Jos luet vähän pintaa syvemmälle niin tajuat, että tuokin teksti on aika löyhää kamaa. Kaverihan onnistuu puhumaan itsensä pussiin tuossa parin rivin pituisessa tekstissä jo.

ensin hän sanoo tämän:
"when they're down by two with a minute and 30 seconds remaining and he's wide-open from 26 feet? Does he take the shot, even when he's playing with two much better scoring options? I think he does. You can't change who you are."

sitten tämän:
"But if Antoine just concentrates on the things he does well -- interior defense, defensive rebounding, wide-open 3s, entry passes to big men, pick-and-rolls where he's rolling -- he could be a major asset to Miami."

Loppujen lopuksi, on 1000 syytä miksi Walker on kaikkea mitä Miami tarvitsee, ja on varmasti saman verran miksi hän ei olisi sitä. Ajatuksia kannattaa lukea RealGM forumeilta Miami Heat osastolta. Dynastyn luottamus ESPN:nään (tai BSPN kuten hän sitä kutsuu kun Kobea haukutaan) on aika vaihteleva, nähtävästi riippuu ainoastaan siitä onko hän samaa mieltä asiasta (Kobe sucks/doesn't suck).

Haha, dynasty = burned.
1 753
Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

far out sanoi:
Jos luet vähän pintaa syvemmälle niin tajuat, että tuokin teksti on aika löyhää kamaa. Kaverihan onnistuu puhumaan itsensä pussiin tuossa parin rivin pituisessa tekstissä jo.

ensin hän sanoo tämän:
"when they're down by two with a minute and 30 seconds remaining and he's wide-open from 26 feet? Does he take the shot, even when he's playing with two much better scoring options? I think he does. You can't change who you are."

Asia vaan on niin , että kun mies mainitsee "When they're down by two with a minute and 30 seconds remaining" & "He's playing with two much better scoring options" -- tarkoittaa se sitä , että Walkerin ei ehkä kannattaisi heitellä niitä 3:sia pelin ratkaisuhetkillä. Vaan antaa Waden tai Shaqin hoitaa , koska ovat parempia pelaajia/pisteidetekijöitä.

sitten tämän:
"But if Antoine just concentrates on the things he does well -- interior defense, defensive rebounding, wide-open 3s, entry passes to big men, pick-and-rolls where he's rolling -- he could be a major asset to Miami."

Kyllä 'Toine 3:sia upottaa kun on vapaana. Mites se liittyy edelliseen tilanteeseen? Silloin kun peli on ratkaisuvaiheessa , en ehkä 'Toinelle palloa 3 kaaren taakse jakelisi.
En millään näe , miten kyseinen kirjoittaja muka olisi itsensä väärin ilmaissut.

Onhan C-Webb myös kova pelaaja , mutta en hänelle palloa antaisi pelin ratkaisuhetkillä. Eri asia sitten muutoin. Mies on selvä go-to-guy. Tajuatko pointin?

Loppujen lopuksi, on 1000 syytä miksi Walker on kaikkea mitä Miami tarvitsee, ja on varmasti saman verran miksi hän ei olisi sitä. Ajatuksia kannattaa lukea RealGM forumeilta Miami Heat osastolta.

Haha! RealGM foorumeilta Heatin osastolta? Eli siis , jos sanon , että ajatuksia kannattaa lukea Lakers foorumeilta niin Slava Medvedenko on parempi kuin KG? Vain koska Lakersin fanit sanovat niin? Ja olen muuten niitä lukenut , ja TODELLA moni on sitä mieltä , että AW8 EI tule sopimaan joukkueeseen. Sitähän Miamin fanit pelkäävätkin...

Dynastyn luottamus ESPN:nään (tai BSPN kuten hän sitä kutsuu kun Kobea haukutaan) on aika vaihteleva, nähtävästi riippuu ainoastaan siitä onko hän samaa mieltä asiasta (Kobe sucks/doesn't suck).

Vihaan LA-Timesia välillä. Ei kuitenkaan tarkoita , että sieltä aina paskaa suoltaa....Vähän niinkuin joku vihaisi MTV3;sta kaupallisuuden takia , mutta katselee kuitenkin sieltä elokuvia silloin tällöin.(Ehkä vähän turha vertaus , mutta toivottavasti menee läpi...)

Burned? ::)


Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

Miamilla ei tule riittämään pallot, toivotaan kuitenkin että homma toimii jotenkuten...

Mutta pahimmassa tapauksessa Miami tarvitsee kentälle 2,5+1+2+0,5+2=7 palloa
(2,5 jotta J-Will saa plärätä ja hakea high-light passeja + heittää)(Wade on fiksu ja pärjää yhdellä tai niillä mitä tulee)(kaksi jotta Walker saa rykiä kolmosiaan ja tehdä muitakin "jutskiaan")(Haslem varmaankin tyytyy osaansa)(Shaqille pitää saada palloa sisään jotta hänestä on max hyöty, mutta lisäpallo kun alkaa kauden puolivälissä valittamaan pallojen puutteesta)

Miami otti riskin ja on tietoinen siitä (luulisin). Joukkuuessa alkaa olemaan liikaa tähtiä ja se ei ole hyvä. Olen hieman skeptinen, vaikkakin Walker sun muut ovat esittäneet nöyrää ja kertoneet tekevänsä mitä pyydetään...

Parhaassa tapauksessa homma luistaa kuin kuuma veitsi voissa. Paperilla joukkue on Indianan ja Detroitin kanssa Idän paras, paketti pitää nyt saada kesän aikana kokoon ja hitsautumaan yhteen...

Jason Williams pystyy halutessaan unohtamaan omat pistetehtailunsa ja and1 hässäkät ja pelata todella hyvää korista. Pointti on joukkueen tärkein pelaaja. Ja pohjimmiltaan Williams on ihan hyvä point guard.

Mutta sitten tapaus Antoine Walker.... Hyvä pelaaja ja loistava levareissa, mutta, mutta, mutta... Miten sopeutuu olemaan kolmas vaihtoehto ja miten onnistuu pelaaminen SF:nä? Eikös Walkerin oikea pelipaikka ole PF? Walkerilla tulee ongelmia liigan muiden small forwardeja vastaan. Hän ei ole tarpeeksi nopea hyökkäys- tai varsinkaan puolustuspäässä. Toki puolustus match-uppeja vaihtelemalla saadaan jotain aikaan. Hope AW8 sticks to what he CAN do rather than what he'd LIKE to do.

James Posey on kaupan ehkä lopulta hyödyllisin pelaaja. Hän tuo Miamiin vaihtoehtoja. Laittamalla Posey aloitukseen SF:ksi saisi Miami Walkerin omalle tontilleen. Haslem taas toisi energisellä ja agressiivisella pelityylillään vauhtia uutta puhtia penkiltä. Halutessaan kokoa kentälle --> Posey kakkoseksi ja Wade pointiksi...


Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

Ei perkele... Tuli väärään topikkiin.. Tuon voisi siirtää Miamin topikkiin ja tän vietin poistaa.
1 233
Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

Mitä turhia..hyvä posti. Juuri maitsemistasi Walkerin puutteista (hitaus, no D) hän on sopiva täsmäase penkiltä 20-30 minuutiksi tekemään pisteitä, kun isot pojat huilaa. PArhaimmillaan Walker on kuitenkin hyvä hyökkäyspäässä joka osa-alueella, joten jos kaveri vain sopeutuu tulemaan penkiltä niin hänestä on hyötyä.

Williams kyllä rauhoittuu...on pakko. Miamilla on varaa pitää häntä penkiltä, jos peli muistuttaa enemmän And 1 kikkailua kuin koripalloa.
1 753
Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

Hillomunkki sanoi:
PArhaimmillaan Walker on kuitenkin hyvä hyökkäyspäässä joka osa-alueella, joten jos kaveri vain sopeutuu tulemaan penkiltä niin hänestä on hyötyä.

Siinähän se juuri onkin Hillo , että avainsana "JOS" on sen verran vahva.....

'Toine ei ikinä ole sopeutunut #3/#4 rooliin hyökkäyksessä. Eikä varmasti tule olemaan tyytyväinen jos tulee olemaan 6-mies tjms...

höpsö oot dynis

Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

dynastY sanoi:
Haha! RealGM foorumeilta Heatin osastolta? Eli siis , jos sanon , että ajatuksia kannattaa lukea Lakers foorumeilta niin Slava Medvedenko on parempi kuin KG? Vain koska Lakersin fanit sanovat niin? Ja olen muuten niitä lukenut , ja TODELLA moni on sitä mieltä , että AW8 EI tule sopimaan joukkueeseen. Sitähän Miamin fanit pelkäävätkin...

Rauhotu hyvä mies. Juurihan kaveri sanoi, että löytyy syitä miksi homma kusee ja syitä miksi homma sujuis, katotaan nyt. Sama meininki Heatin forumeilla.
1 722
Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

Oliks se 2003 vai 2004 3pt Shootout kun Mr.Walker heitti 2-3 helaa? Jotenkin muistan nauraneeni kyyneleet silmissä kun pallot menivät metri tolkulla pitkäksi
Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

Mista Mef sanoi:
Oliks se 2003 vai 2004 3pt Shootout kun Mr.Walker heitti 2-3 helaa? Jotenkin muistan nauraneeni kyyneleet silmissä kun pallot menivät metri tolkulla pitkäksi
Tais olla 2003. Ei noi heittokisat vaan ole kaikille. Jotkut osaa heittää paremmin kuljetuksesta ja jotkut suoraan syötöstä. Jotkut vaan neljännessä erässä jne jne.. Billupskin oli ihan pulassa.
Jotta voit kirjoittaa viestejä, sinun täytyy rekisteröityä foorumille. Rekisteröityminen on ilmaista, helppoa ja nopeaa. Rekisteröidy tästä.