
The Forgotten STAR - 'Toine Watch 07/08


Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

Antoine taas vaihteeks väläyttäny....

The question was innocuous enough, something about the Heat's "supporting cast" and whether it could take sufficient pressure off the Diesel/Flash glamour combo in these NBA Finals.

"Who's the supporting cast?" Walker shot back Saturday afternoon at the American Airlines Center. "I'm just a player, man. I ain't no supporting cast. I don't characterize myself as that."

"I'm not a supporting cast," he added. "I'm Antoine Walker, the basketball player."

"We have the most dominant player in the middle and we have a talented 2-guard," he continued. "Of course we're going to run 70 to 80 percent of our plays for those guys. But `supporting cast' to me kind of downgrades players on a team. The words `supporting cast,' I just don't like."

"I'm not a supporting nothing," he said. "I'm part of 15-strong. A team."
1 086
Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

Maneater miami sanoi:
I ain't gon even speak to a man like yo
HAhahaaa, BUSTED, myönnä pois. Trying to be all sharp and shit, that's just LOOooww.
Niin ja muuten.
huoh sanoi:
Antoine taas vaihteeks väläyttäny....

The question was innocuous enough, something about the Heat's "supporting cast" and whether it could take sufficient pressure off the Diesel/Flash glamour combo in these NBA Finals.

"Who's the supporting cast?" Walker shot back Saturday afternoon at the American Airlines Center. "I'm just a player, man. I ain't no supporting cast. I don't characterize myself as that."

"I'm not a supporting cast," he added. "I'm Antoine Walker, the basketball player."

"We have the most dominant player in the middle and we have a talented 2-guard," he continued. "Of course we're going to run 70 to 80 percent of our plays for those guys. But `supporting cast' to me kind of downgrades players on a team. The words `supporting cast,' I just don't like."

"I'm not a supporting nothing," he said. "I'm part of 15-strong. A team."
Tää oli täällä jossain jo aikasemmin.


Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker


Antoine Walker Q & A

One of the most maligned NBA players in recent memory, Antoine Walker (in part) finally got his due when he helped the Miami Heat win an NBA championship this year. And don’t accuse ’Toine of riding anyone’s coattails, either; he averaged 13 points and five boards in the postseason, including some season-saving performances against the Nets in the second round, and a 20-point outing in Game 2 of the Finals against Dallas. We caught up with ’Toine in Vegas last week.

Dime: What have you been up to lately?
AW: I’m just starting to get back into the swing of things, getting after it. I’ve been up in Chicago playing (at Hoops the Gym).

Dime: Who has been up there playing with you?
AW:: A bunch of guys … Quentin Richardson, Juwan Howard, Michael Finley, Darius Miles, Bobby Simmons … a good 10 or 15 pros.

Dime: How have things changed for you since winning the championship?
AW:: The respect level has went up a lot. When you go out in public, people really recognize you more. You see how many people watch the Finals and watch the playoffs. It’s been great. It’s a huge accomplishment, something you work for your whole career. I get a lot of respect from the (other players). We’re all searching for that one goal, so they congratulate you on your accomplishment.

Dime: Now that you have the ring, is it harder to come back with that same motivation that you would have if you didn’t have a ring?
AW:: I think it becomes a little easier for us as a team. Teams are going to be geared up more against us now, but we want to defend this, and we’re coming back with our same team. It will be a lot easier for us to get out of the gate, because we know each other. And as long as you have Shaq and D-Wade, you have a chance to build a dynasty. As long as the big fella can stay healthy, keeping him motivated is the big thing. He has four years left on his contract, so we just wanna ride it out with him.

Dime: What can you tell us about the party scene on South Beach after you guys won the chip?
AW:: (Laughs) Oh man, it was unbelievable. And put in consideration that it was the city’s first time winning an NBA title. The way people treat us in Miami is great. We brought them their first NBA championship, so hopefully people will always remember that.

Dime: You’ve always taken a lot of criticism, and last year was no different. You were even getting it from your home fans at one point. Do you feel that your performances in the playoffs, in particular against the Nets and Mavericks, silenced the critics?
AW:: Last season was unusual. (Miami) went to the Eastern Conference Finals the year before, so people felt like they shouldn’t have broken up that team and brought in guys like myself and J-Will. I mean, me winning the title, hopefully it does (silence the critics). But you never know. The first bad game you have, they start talking again. You never know.

Dime: Now that you know first-hand what it takes to win a championship, did those Celtics teams you were on with Paul Pierce have what was necessary to win a ring?
AW:: We had enough to get there, but to win a title is a whole other level. We had Paul and myself, but we probably needed another in-between guy that could have helped us out.

Dime: Including the playoffs, you played in 105 games last year including the playoffs. After the season was over, did you try and get away from basketball for a while? What did you do to give yourself a break?
AW:: I’m a big golfer. I got the golf bug real serious; I love the game. I’ll go play my 36 holes a day, just trying to get my handicap down. It’s a 16 now and I’m trying to get to single digits.

Dime: Do you just play golf or do you watch it, too?
AW:: I watch it. The Golf Station, that’s my thing. I’m enjoying this Tiger run right now.

Dime: What other athletes in other sports are you a fan of?
AW:: In football, I like Donovan (McNabb), Terrell Owens, Daunte Culpepper. In baseball, A-Rod, Jeter and Derrick Lee.

Dime: You played basketball with McNabb in high school. Back then, did you know he was going to be a pro athlete?
AW:: He was definitely college material in both sports. I didn’t know if he was major D-1 in basketball, but in football he was on top of the world. But he was an option QB and he didn’t pass that much, so I didn’t know he’d end up being as good of a passer as he is now.

Dime: Did you play any other sports in high school?
AW:: I played baseball – shortstop – but I quit after a while when I got too tall.

Dime: What are you going to do with the championship ring when you get it?
AW:: I’ll wear it around for a good month, then I’m going to put it up forever.

Fearless Observer

Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

Employee #8 sanoi:
Uutta matskua Youtubessa. Clutch? Anyone?


Puhumattakaan siitä, kuinka Walkeria on kritisoitu midrange pelin puutteesta, clutch tilanteista en usko että kovin moni lähtee Walkeria haukkumaan, sen verran moni on game winner buzzer beateri mennyt niin Bostonissa, Dallasissa kuin Atlantassakin säkkiin. Varsinkin Bostonin ajan voittokorit(kolkit) muistetaan lämmöllä. Taisi olla kerran jopa 3 viikon sisällä. Miamissa ei ole saanut samankaltaista roolia, mutta tuskin ainakaan sormuksen takia on miehen hermot heikentyneet, katsotaan taas ensi kaudella, jos Wade sattuisi joskus viimeisellä sekunnilla syöttämään.

Yleisesti ottaen kuitenkin monen valmentajan pokka on pettänyt, ja Walkkeri on joutunut istumaan viimeisillä hetkillä. Harmillista, että ballsit loppuu kesken, mutta kai sen ymmärtää. 50/50 homma usein Walkerin kohdalla, mutta noissa ratkaisevissa heitoissa on juuri se tärkeä pointti, että pelaajan on oltava 110% varma että heitto menee sisään, ja Walker on AINA vähintään 200% varma, että nyt uppoaa (vaikkei menisikään..). Kuitenkin ominaisuutena yllättävän tärkeä. Loppujen lopuksi se on valmentajan ratkaisu, ja paras mennä ihan fiiliksen mukaan. Nyt olisi sellanen fiilis, että Walker voisi kyllä ottaa sen heiton. Huomenna taas ehkä ei...

Employee #8

Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

“We feel like with this trade we traded a lot, but we got back three quality players,” said HEAT President Pat Riley. “Antoine Walker is one of the very best multi-faceted, versatile players in this game. I think his numbers have shown throughout his career that he has been consistent year-in and year-out, providing points and rebounds. He is able to handle the ball, pass it, make plays, shoot threes and rebound the ball. There isn’t anyone in this league better at doing that. I believe that he will bring a tremendous, versatile, play-making, scoring, rebounding dimension to our team. He is in his prime and I think he will pair up brilliantly with Shaquille, Dwyane and the rest of the team.


Pat knows.
1 753
Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

Employee #8 sanoi:
Pat Cunt wrote:

“We feel like with this trade we traded a lot, but we got back three quality players,” said HEAT President Pat Riley. “Antoine Walker is one of the very best multi-faceted, versatile players in this game. I think his numbers have shown throughout his career that he has been consistent year-in and year-out, providing points and rebounds. He is able to handle the ball, pass it, make plays, shoot threes and rebound the ball. There isn’t anyone in this league better at doing that. I believe that he will bring a tremendous, versatile, play-making, scoring, rebounding dimension to our team. He is in his prime and I think he will pair up brilliantly with Shaquille, Dwyane and the rest of the team.

Lamar Odom. Whom is miles ahead of Walker in every department mentioned.

nuff' said?

dynastY knows.


Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

Walkerin painajaismainen alkukausi saa kriittisen käänteen?

Hyvä peli penkiltä nyt, toivottavasti saa itseluottamuksen kohdalleen ja peli rupeaa sujumaan tasaisemmin. Ajoittain erittäin hyvää palloa. Eikä myöskään sovi unohtaa että oli finaaleissa toiseksi eniten pisteitä tehnyt Heat pelaaja, joten taito on kyllä edelleen siellä. Uudessa pallossa vika? Olisi aika tottua. Kuitenkin:

26mins 7-13FG 2-5 3P 2-4 FT 5rebs 3ass 1foul 1steal 3 TO 0blocks 18pts

The Walker watch:

PPG 9.7
RPG 4.10
APG 1.3

FG% 38,5
3p% 21,9
FT% 35,7

TOpg 1.80

Oikeastaan ainoa postiivinen asia on, että TO's ovat suhteellisen alhaiset. Trade huhut pysynevät alhaisina, 'Toine ei ehkä ole untouchable, mutta ilman muuta untreidaBULL :) , sattuneesta syystä.

Kyllä tämä tästä?

ps Posey voittaa ottelun Heatille buzzerbeater unelmakolkilla
1 086
Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

WalkerWatch sanoi:
Walkerin painajaismainen alkukausi saa kriittisen käänteen?

Hyvä peli penkiltä nyt, toivottavasti saa itseluottamuksen kohdalleen ja peli rupeaa sujumaan tasaisemmin. Ajoittain erittäin hyvää palloa. Eikä myöskään sovi unohtaa että oli finaaleissa toiseksi eniten pisteitä tehnyt Heat pelaaja, joten taito on kyllä edelleen siellä. Uudessa pallossa vika? Olisi aika tottua. Kuitenkin:

26mins 7-13FG 2-5 3P 2-4 FT 5rebs 3ass 1foul 1steal 3 TO 0blocks 18pts

The Walker watch:

PPG 9.7
RPG 4.10
APG 1.3

FG% 38,5
3p% 21,9
FT% 35,7

TOpg 1.80

Oikeastaan ainoa postiivinen asia on, että TO's ovat suhteellisen alhaiset. Trade huhut pysynevät alhaisina, 'Toine ei ehkä ole untouchable, mutta ilman muuta untreidaBULL :) , sattuneesta syystä.

Kyllä tämä tästä?

ps Posey voittaa ottelun Heatille buzzerbeater unelmakolkilla
Onko toi FT% oikein tossa? AW8 tekemässä ennätystä?


Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker


<-- kannattaa katsoa, tuli mieleen vanhan ajan Walker Bostonissa. plus lopussa Poseyn nnätti voittokolkki.


Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

Ettei nyt unohtuisi miten tärkeä mies Walakkeri on niin viimeyön pelissä Clipsuja vastaan

19:50 min 7p (3-11, 3p 1-6) +5a ---> L


Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

Pelikassi sanoi:
Ettei nyt unohtuisi miten tärkeä mies Walakkeri on niin viimeyön pelissä Clipsuja vastaan

19:50 min    7p (3-11, 3p 1-6) +5a  ---> L

Aika paljon "heittereitä" täällä foorumilla, mutta haluaisin silti muistuttaa Walkerin tärkeydestä Miamille. Kyseinen herra oli kuitenkin finaaleissa joukkueen 2. paras pistemies, ja se jos mikä on saavutus. Vaikka tämä kausi onkin alkanut uudesta pallosta johtuen hieman ailahtelevasti, on kaveri silti todistetusti yksi liigan monipuolisimmista ellei monipuolisin iso mies. Puhumattakaan clutch-ominaisuuksista joita on useasti kritisoitu. Muistamme niin Bostonista, Dallasista kuin Atlantastakin lukemattomia ratkaisuheittoja, joista suurin osa painui vastustamattomasti pussin pohjalle.

Puhumattakaan miehen saavutuksista, joista tässä muutamia;

-Won the NCAA Championship with Kentucky in 1996.
-Selected to the NBA All-Rookie 1st Team in 1996-97.
-3 times selected to the NBA All-Star Game (1 as a starter)
-Won the NBA title with the Miami Heat in 2006.
-Multiple Player of the Month and Player of the Week selections
-Founder of the charity organisation 8Foundation
-One of the highest paid athletes in NBA history
-Joined legends like Larry Bird and Bill Russell as the Celtics captain

Tremendous Trent

Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

This is even more evidence to suggest that Toine is a volume shooter and has to get more of a feel of the ball than a few touches.

Case in point, in games when Toine takes less than 10 shots he's shooting 8-40, a robust 20% from the field.

In games when Toine shoots 10-14 shots range he's shooting 24-60 @ 40% or right around his career FG% of 41.6%.

In games when Toine has attempted 15 or more shots he's a combined 23-46 @ 52.2% from the field.

Lisää heittoja Kapteenille? OH HELL YEAH!

Huh huh

Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

Johtuneeko tuo fakta siitä, että jos antoinen heitto uppoaa koko ajan, niin hän ottaa yli 15 heittoa. Jos ekat 6 menee ohi, niin ei pat riley anna lupia tykittää enempää. Ihan normaali juttu kaikilla pelaajilla.


Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

'Toine kuulemma innoissaan vanhan pallon paluusta, nyt kohtuullisen vakuuttava peli taas vaihtelun vuoksi, uskon, että Walkerista on vielä hyötyä Miamille, varsinkin uudenvuoden jälkeen (back to old ball). Riley kuulemma kiinnostunut Iversonista, mutta pakettiin pitäisi laittaa Walker, jonka trade arvo on todella alhainen, pitkän ja ison sopimuksen takia, vaikka kaksi viimeistä ovatkin team-optionia.

Joka tapauskessa, mielenkiintoista nähdä miten Walkerin kausi jatkuu tästä.
Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

observoja sanoi:
Riley kuulemma kiinnostunut Iversonista

Wade-Iverson takakenttä olis hiskein ikinä.


Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

Viime yönä, kun Miami pelasi tiukan pelin New Orleansia vastaan: Antoine "the greatest one of them all" Walker 7min. Luulisi että noin upea pelaaja ei tosiaan jäisi peliajassa jälkeen Franchise-tason pelaajista kuten Michael Doleac tai Jason "Head-Band" Kapono... Vai??

(Ai niin, uusi pallo, vielä vähän aikaa... Valkkerin todellinen taso tulee ilmi vasta sitten...)


Re: The Forgotten STAR - Antoine "The Captain" Walker

taikaviitta sanoi:
Viime yönä, kun Miami pelasi tiukan pelin New Orleansia vastaan: Antoine "the greatest one of them all" Walker 7min. Luulisi että noin upea pelaaja ei tosiaan jäisi peliajassa jälkeen Franchise-tason pelaajista kuten Michael Doleac tai Jason "Head-Band" Kapono... Vai??

(Ai niin, uusi pallo, vielä vähän aikaa... Valkkerin todellinen taso tulee ilmi vasta sitten...)
Merkityksetön ottelu. Kapteenia säästellään pleijareihin. Muistatteko viime kauden finaalit?
Jotta voit kirjoittaa viestejä, sinun täytyy rekisteröityä foorumille. Rekisteröityminen on ilmaista, helppoa ja nopeaa. Rekisteröidy tästä.