
Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

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Mielenkiintoinen artikkeli, jossa tarkastellaan D. Leen (kaikista tilastoista huolimatta heikkoa) puolustuspelaamista.


Erityisesti seuraavasta sitaatista tulee elävästi Kartanon Herrojen puolustussysteemi mieleen:

[quote author="http://www.warriorsworld.net/david-lee-and-defense/"]Defense is more system-based than offense. The term “on a string” is often used to describe how five men should move at once, as though telepathically connected.

Offenses of the read-and-react variety certainly exist, but it’s just not the same. Offense is about plunging forth into a space, attacking when the opportunity arises. One man can sometimes find the space with minimal help. But when the D-string is sturdy, spaces are like Cohan’s accomplishments—few and miniscule.

What happens when there is no string? The New York Knicks happen. The Golden State Warriors happen. It’s chaos that gives way to points. In a chaotic defensive structure, doing right accomplishes about as much as loafing. If Player A makes the correct rotation, Player B stays home, Player C makes the incorrect rotation, Player D gambles for a steal and player E ogles crowd cleavage, then what the hell good was the correct rotation? There are holes all around, no matter what Player A did. He might as well have cleavage-gazed.[/quote]
1 511
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Wau. Aivan naurettavaa. ;D
1 400
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One of the Matt Barnes’ hallmarks is he’s frank about many things. He likes to bring that to Twitter, too, where he has been letting his followers know that he’d like to come back to the Magic, but has no offer yet. Magic GM Otis Smith is not amused. I asked Smith if it bothered him that Barnes Tweets about not getting an offer from the Magic. He thought about it for a second. “Wonder why he hasn’t gotten an offer,” Smith said. “If he stopped Tweeting, he might get one. … My preference is to not have your business all over the internet.” -Orlando Sentinel
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Centrobasket championship 2010 Dominikaanisessa Tasavallassa on osoittautunut "vaaralliseksi" paikaksi NBA-pelaajille. Viikolla Jamaican joukkueessa pelaava Roy Hibbert (Pacers) loukkasi polvensa , ja viikonloppuna Dominikaanista Tasavaltaa edustava Charlie Villanueva (Pistons) sai mojovan tällin lantioonsa. Molempien loukkaantumiset eivät ole kuitenkaan kovin pahoja !


Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

MJ antaa palaa LeBronin liittymisestä D-Waden 'varjoon'.


Ilmeisesti pettyi LeBronin päätöksestä, olisi varmaan halunnut LeBronin pysyvän Clevelandissa tai rakentamaan dynastian jossakin joukkueessa alusta asti, kuten itse teki Chicagossa. Samalla myös aina niin viiltävää analyysia The Round Mound of Reboundilta.
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2


Kerrassaan huikea pätkä Steve Carelliltä ja Paul Ruddilta LePäätöksestä. Yllättävää, että ESPN:n väellä on riittänyt pokkaa esittää kyseinen pätkä omassa palkintogaalassaan.
1 229
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"James neuvottelee Celicin kanssa"-uutinen herätti hämmästystä pariksi sekunniksi...
7 541
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Todella, todella mielenkiintoinen artikkeli, jossa käydään kaikkien NBA GM:ien suoritushistoriat läpi ja annetaan arvosanoja:

Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

http://www.nba.com/2010/news/07/23/wright.missing.ap/index.html?ls=iref:nbahpt2 sanoi:
Report: Former NBA player Lorenzen Wright missing
The sister of Lorenzen Wright says the former NBA player has been missing for nearly a week.

Savia Archie tells WREG.com in Memphis that Wright was last seen Sunday when he was expected to fly out of the city. The family has filed a missing persons report with police, who tell the website they don't suspect foul play.

Wright played in college at Memphis and later for the Grizzlies as a pro. He last played in the league for the Cleveland Cavaliers during the 2008-09 season.
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

ex nba player wright's body found

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