
Drunken Kakkosnikki presentes: Downfall of Lakers, Glory Hunters, Säk & Raper

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Re:Tässä seuraamme Lakers "dynastian" romahtamista

Re:Tässä seuraamme Lakers "dynastian" romahtamista

LA may have trouble dividing shots
By Terry Brown
NBA Insider
Wednesday, August 13

Let's say that Los Angeles Lakers center Shaquille O'Neal really has shed the 15 pounds that he and his trainer have been bragging about over the weekend. And that he really has gone from a body fat count of 20 percent last season to 15 percent now and dropping.

And for the sake of argument, let's pretend that he is the one player in professional team sports that is worth $121 million over three seasons that, come October, he is eligible to receive from the Lakers in a contract extension.

That still doesn't mean that he's going to get the ball 40 times a game like he's expecting.

"If I don't get the ball, though, it won't make any difference at all," Shaq said in the LA Times. "A lot of people talk about me as if I had a weight problem. The only problem I had was waiting for the ball. So, run it through the Diesel. I'm mad and I'm ready to go."

Derek Fisher
Point Guard
Los Angeles Lakers

82 10.5 2.9 3.6 .437 .800

But, we're assuming, so are Kobe Bryant, Karl Malone and Gary Payton, not to mention Derek Fisher, Rick Fox, Devean George and Horace Grant.

So let's continue this little game and pretend that they're the only eight people on the team and see how the offensive numbers work out.

Last year, the Lakers averaged 83.6 shots per game. The year before, they averaged 83.4. In 2001, they averaged 81.5 and in 2000, they averaged 83.3. In the last four years of running Tex Winters' triangle, three of them resulting in NBA Titles, the team has averaged 82.9 shots per game.

Not counting his formidable free throw count, nor his proficient assist total, O'Neal, over those same four seasons, has averaged 19.2 shots per game, which includes his 2000 MVP season in which he shot the ball 21 times a contest and last year's injury-hampered season in which he shot the ball only 18 times per game.

Over his career, Shaq has averaged 18.9 shots per game.

But Malone's career, he's averaged 17.9 shots per game. Payton shot the ball 18.3 times per game for the Sonics and Bucks last year. Bryant took a whopping 23.4 shots per game on his way to averaging 30 points per game last year.

If you take the career numbers of those four future Hall of Famers, they will average 69.3 shots per game next season. If you take their numbers from last season, they will average 75.6 shots per game.

Doing the math reveals that their career numbers leave only 13.6 shots for the rest of the team. Their numbers from last season leave only 7.3 shots per game.

Obviously, something's got to give.

Even if we assume that the Lakers, because of their improved roster, will attempt more shots next season and make more of them, can we really expect George, Fox and Fisher to go from a combined 22.6 shots per game to 7.3?

Sure, Payton isn't going to reach his career average of 15.6 shots per game, but Fisher averaged 9.4 last year.

Malone's numbers have been declining as he's gotten closer and actually reached the 40-year-mark, but he still averaged 15.9 shots per game last year, while the combination of Robert Horry and Samaki Walker averaged 9.9.

Kobe Bryant
Shooting Guard
Los Angeles Lakers

82 30.0 6.9 5.9 .451 .843

And we'll even assume that Bryant will slow down a bit and not continue his seven-year streak of increasing his shot total that has seen him go from 422 shots as a rookie to 1,925 last year (259 more shots than Shaq has ever taken in a season).

But that means we also have to assume that Shaq isn't going to reach his 18 shots per game even if his big toe is feeling fine, his knees are stable and his back is strong.

"I'll tell you what. If I wasn't in shape last year, I must be the greatest," O'Neal said in the LA Daily News. "To have to put up with five, 10 people every night and still get 27 (points) and 10 (rebounds) and play on a messed-up foot and play on a messed-up knee, and never complain. In the words of Muhammad Ali, 'I must be the greatest.' "

Last year, the Dallas Mavericks averaged a league-high 103 points per game by shooting the ball 85.1 times per game. On the other hand, in 1967, the Los Angeles Lakers took 8,466 shots for an average of 104.5 shots per game. The following year, they averaged 121.2 points per game for a franchise record. In 1983, they averaged a franchise-high of 48.3 made baskets a game.

But those teams didn't have to face the two-time defending MVP Tim Duncan, or the superstar-laden Mavericks, or revamped Timberwolves, not to mention the Kings who may be the deepest team of them all.

"It's not going to matter," Shaq continued in the LA Daily News. "You know that. The whole world knows it's not going to matter. You know why? Because I'm back now. Last year, I was a little banged up. But no team is a powerhouse, and no team scares me. And I'm upset and I'm (ticked) off. A lot of people doubting me. The old Shaq will be back, talking (smack), starting fights, getting my legs up when I dunk. I'm back now. I'm mad now."

And that was before he realized he wasn't going to be shooting as many times as he did last year.

Working out the rage
Howard Beck / Los Angeles Daily News
Shaq's Burden Is Lighter
Tim Brown / Los Angeles Times


Re:Tässä seuraamme Lakers "dynastian" romahtamista

Ääh.. Antaa supertähtien pitää heittonsa, ja annetaan vaihtopelaajille vaan muutama heitto sillontällön. Toi Koben viime vuoden heittojen määrä on kyllä pelottavan suuri. Moni ei taida edes koko NBA urallaan heittää lähellekkään noin montaa heittoa. Toisaalta moni taas ei tee 30 pinnaa pelissä tai raiskaa naista. ;D


Re:Tässä seuraamme Lakers "dynastian" romahtamista

Rocky Mountain News: Kobe Bryant's career in the National Basketball Association may be over if he is convicted of sexual assault.

Sex-offender treatment experts, lawyers and other observers of the Bryant case cite a number of factors that could douse the career of one of the league's brightest stars in relative infancy.

A frequently cited reason is the strict requirements of the mandatory intensive supervision that would accompany a sentence to probation or come with parole after any time spent in prison.

Simply put, that supervision program would make playing road games outside Bryant's state of residence highly problematic at the very least.

Even under a best-case post-conviction scenario for Bryant, should he be found guilty, sex offender supervision rules could conceivably create a situation in which Bryant could play only for the lowly Denver Nuggets - and even then appear only in home games.

For anyone facing Bryant's potential fate - a Colorado felony sex-offense conviction - securing authorities' permission for dozens of out-of-state business trips while under supervision is "not likely," said Kevin Nelan, sex-offender probation supervisor in Jefferson County.

"I can't recall anyone who has been allowed to travel out of state that frequently, who we've had on probation," said Nelan.

He was echoed by Denver defense attorney Dan Recht, a strong critic of Colorado's sex-offender laws and past president of the Colorado Criminal Defense Bar.

"I'm not familiar with (sex-offender supervision officials) ever allowing anybody to do something like that," said Recht.

NBA teams play 41 road games a year, not counting the pre-season exhibition schedule, or any postseason play - something that has become commonplace for the Lakers in recent years, due in no small part to the contributions of Bryant, a five-time NBA All Star.

If Bryant is convicted of the charge he's facing, class-three felony sexual assault, his probation could last from 20 years to life.

Even if a plea bargain or other circumstances results in Bryant's conviction on the lesser charge of class-four felony sexual assault, his probation could still range from 10 years to life.

Many believe that only by avoiding a felony sex assault conviction of any kind, could Bryant, who turned 25 on Aug. 23, have an NBA future.
2 219
Re:Tässä seuraamme Lakers "dynastian" romahtamista

Pari kk takaperin tämän jutun syyttäjä hävisi raiskausjutun.


Re:Tässä seuraamme Lakers "dynastian" romahtamista

Mitäpä jos on oppinut virheistään?


Re:Tässä seuraamme Lakers "dynastian" romahtamista

"Pari kk takaperin tämän jutun syyttäjä hävisi raiskausjutun"

no tästähän pystyy jo jokakodin nikke knattertonit päättelemään: "johtopäätös: syyttäjä on huono, ja kobe vapautuu vaikka olisi syyllinen. kyllä nyt helpottaa."
Re:Tässä seuraamme Lakers "dynastian" romahtamista

Mr. L.A sanoi:
Pari kk takaperin tämän jutun syyttäjä hävisi raiskausjutun.

Ohhoh!! Syyttäjä häviää jutun?! No sehän on oikea luonnonmullistus! Eihän semmoista juttua voi hävitä ku raiskaussyytteessä olevat pitää lain mukaan tunkea vankilan suihkuun vaikka mies olisikin syytön.
(Now that's sarcasm)

(Pari kk takaperin tämän jutun syytetty voitti raiskauskamppailun.)
3 113
Re:Tässä seuraamme Lakers "dynastian" romahtamista

Re:Tässä seuraamme Lakers "dynastian" romahtamista

Re:Tässä seuraamme Lakers "dynastian" romahtamista



Re:Tässä seuraamme Lakers "dynastian" romahtamista


Everybody KOBE "cry baby" BRYANT TO PRISON!
2 219
Re:Tässä seuraamme Lakers "dynastian" romahtamista

TuomioPäivä sanoi:

Everybody KOBE "cry baby" BRYANT TO PRISON!
Englanti hallussa hyvin, tyyliin "fee" ;D


Re:Tässä seuraamme Lakers "dynastian" romahtamista

Et Mr.LA voisi mitenkään olla paljastamatta typeryyttäsi vähän väliä?


Re:Tässä seuraamme Lakers "dynastian" romahtamista

ihan hyvä et kobe joutuu vankilaan,eipähän mene malonen ja paytonin tilastot pilalle ;D
2 219
Re:Tässä seuraamme Lakers "dynastian" romahtamista

ihan hyvä et kobe joutuu vankilaan
En tiedä onko kysessä tyhmyytesi esittely(verrattavissa autonrassaajien subbareiden esittelyyn) vai epätoivoinen provosointiyritys, anyhow he aint goin' to jail.
1 108
Re:Tässä seuraamme Lakers "dynastian" romahtamista

Mr. L.A sanoi:
anyhow he aint goin' to jail.

Valitettavaa, mutta totta (sillä oletuksella, että Kobe olisi syyllinen).

Tähän väliin kysymys:

Jos Kobe todella raiskasi sen tytön (eihän se voi tosin totta olla, koska Kobella on kiva hymy ja hänen kakkansa ei haise), toivotko sinä että hän pääsee silti vapaalle jalalle?


Re:Tässä seuraamme Lakers "dynastian" romahtamista

Raiskaajille ainoa oikea paikka on vankila.
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