Re: Minnesota Timberwolves 2006-07
If The Wolves Don't Improve, Garnett Wants Out
Slam Magazine - In a recent Q&A session with Slam Magazine, Kevin Garnett stated he'd like to see management make more player acquisitions and hinted at the possibility of leaving Minnesota if the team doesn't improve.
Regarding the moves management made so far, Garnett said, "I feel like getting Mike James was a start, but that’s not enough. We need some more solid players to contribute..."
When asked if he'd want to leave Minnesota if the team didn't improve, Garnett said, "I got to...If you’re not working towards a championship, then why are we in this? I’m in it to win, man, I’m not in it to be coming back talking about next year. I’m 30. I’ve probably got 4 to 5 years, you know what I’m saying? My clock is ticking, man. I’m almost like a woman who’s trying to get pregnant. My years are limited, so my clock is definitely ticking."
Että tällasta, tätä onkin hieman odoteltu, eipä taida KG tehdä Millereitä, tosin onhan Minnesotassa vietetty jo arvostettavat 11 kautta.
Eli siis Minnesota joko tekee jotain radikaalia, tai KG vaihtaa maisemaa. Loppujen lopuksi taitaa tuo maisema tosiaan vaihtua, mutta tapahtuuko tämä vasta kauden alun jälkeen, Minnesotan yritettyä kehitellä jotain kasaan, hmm...???
PS. Niin ja vielä se, että jos KG treidataan, toivon hartaasti että uuden joukkueen nimessä on 5 kirjainta ja alkaa beellä. (pleeeEEEeeeEEEeeease)