
Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Marsu sanoi:
Eihän siinä ollu ku joku 5-6 askelta! ;D Näytti kyl kohtuu hauskalta.
kyllä ne tuomarit ne askeleet huomas, mut kun se katsottiin niin ettei hänellä ollut palloa vielä hallussa. Joten kyllä ihan oikea tuomio, ei edes kukaan okc reagoinut asiaan mitenkään
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Tietääkö kukaan miksi, Amare Stoudamirella on noi lasit päässä? Ollut jotain silmävammoja?
1 722
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

monten pomppu sanoi:
Tietääkö kukaan miksi, Amare Stoudamirella on noi lasit päässä? Ollut jotain silmävammoja?
Jonkin sortin repeämä siellä oli reilu vuosi takaperin. "small tear of what is called the iris root"
1 277
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Lepakko hyökännyt johonkin juniorijäkis otteluunkin.


Nousiko siitä Ginobilin lepakkojutusta mitään kohua?
4 452
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Iltasanomissa oli maininta. Mutta hei täähän on kendoa, sama se minkä ikäiset tai millä tasolla.

Ps. Eikös tuo Ginon lepakon tyrmäys osunut vieläpä halloween iltaan?
1 511
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Joo niin taisi olla. Senhän takia se varmaan olikin päästetty sinen jonkun katsojan toimesta.

http://twtmuzik.com/songs.php?tms=8203 kova biisi joltain lakers fanilta. ;D
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Tinsley: No hard feelings towards Pacers

Memphis Grizzlies guard Jamaal Tinsley has no animosity toward the Indiana Pacers. It dissipated after the 2007-08 season, when his former employer told him to stay away.The Pacers then removed any traces of Tinsley from the locker room and media guide and instructed employees not to mention his name on radio or television broadcasts. They forced him to sit out last season.

Tinsley, who played seven seasons with the Pacers, knew it was best for the parties to part."It didn't hurt my feelings at all," Tinsley said during a phone interview Thursday. "I gained a lot of stuff out of the situation. You realize and learn more stuff as you get older. I can't control how they feel about me. I have no bad feelings about them."I don't dislike them. It's a business. They wanted to move on, and I wanted to move on, too."

Tinsley signed a one-year deal with the Grizzlies in mid-November and will face his former team for the first time tonight, in Memphis."Just another game, a game we need to win," Tinsley said curtly.Tinsley is happy to be back in the league. He hadn't played since February 2008. There certainly was no guarantee of another chance after the off-court issues he had while with the Pacers, coupled with sittiTinsley passed the time traveling between Atlanta and Miami, waiting for the Pacers to trade or release him or buy out his contract.

He played pickup games in Miami. The NBA Players Association filed a grievance in February. The Pacers eventually bought out the final two years of Tinsley's contract for $10.7 million."It was tough; it was a long process," Tinsley said. "There was a lot of stuff going on. There was a lot of money involved with the contract that I wasn't willing to let go."Tinsley acknowledges his problems, which included being shot at outside a Downtown hotel, didn't help his stature with the franchise and community. "I'm not perfect; there's nobody perfect," he said. "That stuff can happen to anybody. Everybody has bad things happen to them, but they're not in the spotlight."

Koripalloanalyytikko #1

Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Brandon Jennings of the Milwaukee Bucks has been fined $7,500 for posting a message on his Twitter account in violation of NBA rules, it was announced today by NBA Executive Vice President, Basketball Operations Stu Jackson.

On Saturday, Dec. 12, a message was posted on Jennings' Twitter account immediately following the Bucks' 108-101 victory over the Portland Trail Blazers in Milwaukee.


Ekat sakot BJ:lle. Siinä ei kauaa nokka tuhissut. Nyt on pää auki, voi jatkaa samaa rataa...

Koripalloanalyytikko #1

Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2


Dawg! :D
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Koripalloanalyytikko #1 sanoi:

Ekat sakot BJ:lle. Siinä ei kauaa nokka tuhissut. Nyt on pää auki, voi jatkaa samaa rataa...
No on aika kauheata twitterin käyttö pelin aikana-.-
4 452
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Saksalaista kovuutta??




1 197
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Kidd se osaa vaan käydä hermoille. Olisi kuollut jos olisi lähtenyt Andersenia vastaan.

Koripalloanalyytikko #1

Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2


goat-pass! ;D


1 197
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Pass first pg. LeBron helvettiin sieltä masinoimasta, ja itse masiinaan.
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Washington Wizards guard Gilbert Arenas stored unloaded firearms in a container in his locker, according to the team, and the NBA is looking into the situation.

Arenas told the newspaper. "After my daughter was born, I was just like, 'I don't need these anymore."'

yeah, ois toisaalta ollu kiva nähä et miten se ois niitä käyttäny jos sen tytärtä ei ois syntyny.

Koripalloanalyytikko #1

Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2


Ray Allen hassutellut twitteriinsä joulukänneissä?
16 284
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Koripalloanalyytikko #1 sanoi:
Ray Allen hassutellut twitteriinsä joulukänneissä?


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