
Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

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Simmons esittelee näkemyksiään siitä, millainen NBA kauden rakenteen pitäisi tulevaisuudessa olla. Joidenkin Simmonsin ajatusten suurin ystävä en ole, mutta tämä iski silmään:
• To make up the revenue from those lost games, we launch my Entertaining as Hell Tournament — the top seven seeds in each conference make the playoffs, then the other 16 teams play a single-elimination tournament to "win" the no. 8 seeds. This would discourage tanking for lottery picks, reward late-bloomer teams and generate extra interest because, again, this tournament would be entertaining as hell. All 14 games would be televised — eight in Round 1, four in Round 2, then a doubleheader final at Madison Square Garden to decide the no. 8 seeds — over a week as the other 14 playoff teams regrouped and rested up.

Tätähän BS on väläytellyt ennenkin, mm. "Book of Basketballissa". Ja olisi todellakin Helvetin Viihdyttävä. Pelkkä ajatus nähdä Bobcats ja Wizards pelaamassa tosissaan kuumottaa. Sen sijaan väitettä, että tällä turnausidealla estettäisiin tankkaaminen, en osta. Jos ollaan sijoilla 10-15, miksi edes yrittää taistella siitä 8 seedistä, jos mahdollista on hakea parempi varausvuoro JA päästä playoffeihin turnauksen kautta? Mutta edelleen, viihdearvo olisi huikea!
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Varsin mukavaa vessalukemista jälleen Bill Simmonsin suusta:

Ja teille laiskimmille lukijoille:

Do you realize that LeBron is having one of the greatest statistical seasons of all time?
I always thought Jordan's 1988-89 season (32.5 PPG, 8.0 APG, 8.0 RPG, 2.9 SPG, 53.8 percent FG, 85 percent FT, 31.1 PER) was the most impressive statistical season by a modern perimeter player … and yet, here's LeBron averaging 29.2 points, 8.3 rebounds, 7.1 assists, 55 percent shooting and a 33.38 PER (highest ever) during a condensed schedule. It's impossible. How can someone have their greatest season during THIS season?

What the hell is going on with Carlos Boozer's hair?
You know something serious is happening when you Google "Carlos Boozer" and the fourth-suggested result is "Carlos Boozer hair."

I don't know what happened in Europe, just what I see now … and what I see is someone who's a step ahead of everyone else, makes passes that nobody else makes, loves playing basketball to the point that it's actually contagious, aces the "Would You Like Playing With Him?" Test to the point that we should just change it to the Rubio Test, rises to the occasion when it matters, beats anyone he wants off the dribble, plays with a Maravichian flair and, for lack of a better phrase, lights up the room. Only in this case, it's usually a room with 16,000 people in it. If you were having a "Which Two Teammates Would You Want to Build Around for the Next 10 Years" argument, LeBron and Wade would be first, then Durant and Westbrook, then Paul and Griffin … and Rubio and Love would be fourth.

Why didn't Minnesota just sign Kevin Love for five years?
Hiring Kurt Rambis and trying to run the triangle with the youngest/dumbest team in the league. It's a long list. Picking Rubio, then resisting the urge to trade him for two years — even with Rubio floundering in Europe — made up for everything. When you have Kevin Love and Ricky Rubio on your team, the other 10 guys don't matter as much. Eventually, you'll find them.

Did Kahn decide to risk that last point almost immediately? Of course he did! Instead of giving Love their "designated max extension" slot (five years, $80 million), the Wolves decided to save that slot for Rubio and played hardball with Love … who's only one of the stubborn athletes of the league, and someone who once pissed off the entire state of Oregon (where he grew up) by signing with UCLA... We're getting three and a half years of the Minnesota Rubio Loves, and then Kevin Love will sign somewhere else. It shouldn't have played out that way.

Will "Cleveland will regret taking Kyrie Irving over Derrick Williams" supplant "Orlando will regret taking Dwight Howard over Emeka Okafor" as the single dumbest thing I've ever written?
Irving has three distinct K.J.-ish qualities: He's always going faster than it seems like he's going; when he drives to the basket bigger guys seem to bounce off him; and there's something about the way Irving dribbles that makes defenders instinctively back up, as if they're saying, "I don't know what's about to happen, but I don't want to get my ankles broken." He's also better in the clutch already than K.J. ever was. And he's only 19!

Has there ever been a better year for point guards?
Any basketball game is going to be more entertaining with competent-or-better point guards running the show. (Cut to Knicks and Lakers fans nodding.) Without the right point guard, you won't get fast break points or easy baskets (cut to Knicks and Lakers fans nodding), you won't have good ball movement (cut to Knicks and Lakers fans nodding), it's harder to get your post guys the ball in the right spots (cut to Knicks and Lakers fans nodding), and you might have to rely on one perimeter player shooting 25 to 30 times a game while everyone else stands around (cut to Knicks and Lakers fans nodding vigorously while fighting off tears). More point guards = more fun.

Now that Oklahoma City has extended Russell Westbrook for five years, does that mean we can shelve concerns for an Avon/Stringer ending with Westbrook and Durant?
Westbrook doesn't quite understand that KD is a franchise player in a way that he can't ever be. And if OKC makes T-shirts, Durant will always be front and center, and Westbrook will always be in the background as one of the 'out of focus guys.'"

Why hasn't #freestevenash evolved into a social media campaign along the lines of #occupywallstreet?
I'm not sure people appreciate how fully wide-open the 2012 playoffs are, or how easy it would be for eight to 10 different teams to sneak into the Finals with one shrewd move. The 2012 title will be decided by injuries, deadline trades and luck. And not in that order.

Hold on a second … it's totally conceivable the Lakers could flip Gasol for Williams and Bynum for Howard??? So the 2011-12 Lakers could end up with Kobe Bryant, Dwight Howard AND Deron Williams?
(Nodding my head grimly.)

(Praying this doesn't happen.)

(Praying some more.)

Is Kobe Bryant the most polarizing NBA player of all time?
Even your staunchest Laker hater (you know, like me) has been inspired by Kobe cranking out these 30-point nights while fighting off a mangled wrist, aching knees, advancing age (16 seasons!!!), a highly publicized divorce and a monstrosity of an NBA schedule. Nobody plays harder, nobody cares more, nobody plays at a higher level while enduring more pain. He's one of the most incredible athletes we will ever see, something of a basketball machine, someone singularly devoted to his craft, someone who has convinced himself that he can become immortal simply by playing well for a longer period of time than anyone else. Kareem remained elite for nearly two solid decades (1969 to 1987), won titles 17 years apart and captured Finals MVP trophies fourteen years apart (his most amazing feat). Kobe seems determined to play 25 years and matter for at least 20 of them. Even if he can't be greater than Jordan, Kobe knows he can have a greater career than Jordan because of his era-specific advantages (dieting, training, surgeries, stem cells, Germany trips, you name it). That's what fuels him. I really believe that. Kobe Bryant wants people to look back 200 years from now, compare the raw numbers and say to themselves, "Who was better, Kobe or Jordan?"

That's why any Kobe watcher knew he'd keep playing with that mangled wrist. You really think he would give up 10 weeks (and 1,000 points) after losing 16 lockout games (and another 500 points)? Come on. He's on a mission. If he cared only about winning, he would do his damndest to get Bynum (playing his best basketball ever) and Gasol (struggling without Odom, who was a terrific sidekick for him) more involved every night. If he cared only about chasing Kareem's record (and it sure seems like he does), then he'd match his 2006 scoring pace and just shoot 30 times a game.

Are the Clippers really contenders? The Clippers???? IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING????
Anyone who watched Monday's beatdown of Oklahoma City knows that the 2012 Clippers are the most entertaining contender since the 2007 Suns. It's just a fact. If this were any other team, you'd think to yourself, What could possibly go wrong?

What's been the biggest elephant in the room of the 2012 NBA season?
"Eric Gordon, our main get in the CP3 trade to the Clips, has played two games (TWO!) this season and may not be back until mid-March. He also turned down an extension, making him a restricted free agent come July. Are the Hornets now covered in the blood of the murdered Lakers-Rockets deal? Has David Stern effectively killed basketball in New Orleans?" … and by the way, we're still four months away from an even bigger PR disaster at the 2012 NBA Lottery drawing (New Orleans winning the no. 1 pick, or even worse, two of the top three). Tebow help us.

What's been the most entertaining under-the-radar subplot of the 2011-12 season?
Which 12 players are getting picked?
Which five players are starting?
Why are we pretending this doesn't matter to every NBA star when it clearly does?

London's starting five looks like Rose, Kobe (the "token veteran" starter who also happens to be outplaying Wade right now), Durant (a heavy favorite after Carmelo's early swoon), LeBron (locked in) and Howard (locked in). Note to everyone who loves Spain in an upset pick: Rose-Kobe-Durant-LeBron-Howard double as our first-team All-NBA squad if the season ended today. It's the most loaded USA Hoops starting lineup of all time. Just remember that when you're talking yourself into betraying the country with a "Spain +600" gold medal pick.

In 1992, we knew the hierarchy: Michael leading the way, Charles and Scottie flanking him, Larry and Magic as the veterans, everyone else falling in line. In 2008, same thing: Kobe leading the way, LeBron and Wade flanking him, Kidd as the veteran, everyone else falling in line. There's a different feel to 2012, with everyone constantly battling for territory, turf and respect.

Olen pahoillani hiton pitkästä viestistä, tai en oikeastaan!
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Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Jalen Rose heittää hyvää jerryä tuossa makasiini ohjelmassa. ;D

En löydä linkkiä mistään...
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Mitä pelaajat syövöt penkillä? Suurin osa jauhaa purkkaa mutta viime yön koosteessa näkee kun joku Rocketsin pelaaja kippaa suuhunsa jotain :D Ei luulisi olevan hirveän hyvä homma. Tosin ei pelaajien syömisiä taideta muutenkaan paljoa kattella.
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Suomenkieliset koripallouutisoinnit ovat yksinkertaisesti kerrasta toiseen täysin hinnattomia.

Minnesotassa kotijoukkue Wolves löi Houstonin 100-91 Kevin Loven 25 pisteen ja 18 levypallon avulla. Lisäksi Love kirjaimellisesti talloi Houstonin tähden Luis Scolan naamaan parketin pintaan. Love pyysi teko anteeksi, eikä Scolakaan ollut siitä jälkeenpäin kamalan vihainen. Tallomista edeltäneestä tilanteesta Scola kuitenkin odotti erotuomarien pillin ääntä, sillä Love raastoi Scolan läpiajossa kumoon. Sen jälkeen Love talloi tätä naamaan.
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Mitä mieltä olette kumpi parempi valinta all-star peliin. Lamarcus vai Love?
NBA comin fani äänestyksessä melkein 70 prosenttia äänistä Lovella. Itse olen aina pitänyt Lamarcusia huomattavasti parempana pelaajana. Pystyy yksin kannattelemaan joukkuetta ja luomaan omat korinteko paikkansa todella tehokkaasti. Tämän hetken parhaimpia power forwardeja liigassa. Kevin Love taas enemmän levypallo pelaaja (toki hyökkäys parantunut huimasti tällä kaudella), mutta ei mielestäni pysty itse luomaan korinteko paikkoja muusta kuin hyökkäyslevypalloista. (Toisin sanoen post pelaaminen ei vielä huipputasolla). Mielestäni Love on yli hypetetty. Olenko pahasti väärässä?
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Pro-LaMarcus. :eek:nsekova: Kevin naamantalloja Love, en arvosta yhtään. LA tulee taas nostamaan kaikkia keskiarvojaan kuten teki viimekin kaudella. Viime yönä tosiaan 39 pistettä ja blokki Durantia vastaan viimeisessä tilanteessa (paskahomotuomarit vihelsivät goaltendingiksi mitä se ei ollut). Toki rasistiamerikkalaiset äänestämässä Lovea.
Jotta voit kirjoittaa viestejä, sinun täytyy rekisteröityä foorumille. Rekisteröityminen on ilmaista, helppoa ja nopeaa. Rekisteröidy tästä.