That fan should be kicked every fucking day till 2014, and free agency period, after that he should be moved from state. It's unbelievable to think that there are some people like that and they call themself as Cavs fans. I am from different country, from different culture, and things like this are impossible here. We have pride, we had pride in toughest moments than sports, but also sport plays big part of our life. If someone do that in our city, only God could save him, and that is not sure if God could save him. We have different type of cheering for our teams too, and it wouldn't be possible that Heat fan stand next to us, coz he would be fucked up before the game even started. Yeah, maybe that is animal behavior, but that is love for the team, for the city, for the organization.
It's impossible for me to think that i wouldn't throw a punch in face of that fan with that shirt who run to LeBron. If not in the game, than sure after the game, or any other day that i see him. It's fucking unbelievable to have people like that and who called themself as Cavs fans. Every man on this planet should have pride and some level of tolerance. That dude its fucking moron and he don't deserve to have opportunity to enter in the Q again. I know that nobody wont kick him or something like that, and he is lucky that he lives in USA (that fans are not hooligans like in Europe), but at least that dude shouldn't enter the Cavs game never again. I am so pissed off with those kind of things.
We are just fine 2 years in rebuilding, and only can be better. I am 100% sure that we are playoff team next year and we will have some eye opener games. I am more proud of players than of fans. Fans are bitches. I am sure our players will come out stronger after this game. Real Cavs fans, shouldnt forget this game when Heat comes next time to Cleveland. I hope people wont forget what happened last night and that they will learn something about LBJ.