Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2
Stern needs to stand up for fans
''Two weeks into the NBA season and already I'm disgusted by a lack of respect shown to fans. I'm talking about a new trend of players on the bench feeling an inexplicable need to stand up for long stretches of games.
The Cleveland Cavaliers provided an atrocious example of this on Saturday at the United Center. Their entire bench, which included 7-foot-3 center Zydrunas Ilgasukas at the time, stood for most of the fourth quarter, thoroughly blocking the view of a couple hundred fans who spent a hard-earned $155 for their tickets (this was a premium game, after all) so those players could build an extra garage to store their collection of Range Rovers and Rolls Royces. Or some similar expenditure.
Now, I can understand players jumping up if one of their teammates makes a great play or if it's the final seconds of a close game when everyone in the arena is standing. But there should be an obvious line between supporting your team and being a jerk.
The Cavs surely aren't the only team guilty of this practice, but it needs to stop. Maybe it's inappropriate to fine the team unless a warning has been issued. So this would be a good time for Commissioner David Stern to stand up for the fans and make these self-absorbed players sit down.''
Onkohan tää kaveri ihan järjissään? Mistä lähtien oman joukkueen ja joukkuetovereiden kannustaminen penkiltä on ollut ''epäkunnioittavaa'' katsojia kohtaan? Jos on niin paljon intoa katsoa matsia, että laittaa 150$ tms. lippuihin, niin kai sitä pystyy jonkin aikaa seisomaan ja kannustamaan oma joukkue voittoon. Huomaa taas NBA: ja eurokoris kulttuurien erot...