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Saikka, en näe Koben nimeä otsikossa, joten miks pitää taas tunkea hänet tähän? Tuolla on ihan oma ketju tuolle typerälle jankuttamiselle...Saikka sanoi:Kobella on paremmat post-liikkeet, joten sietääkin vähän opetella.
Every time Douglas played, over the final few weeks of the season, James made sure to make him feel comfortable and valuable. Douglas quickly got a handle on James' leadership style, which was largely "by example every day, in practice, in the locker room, on and off the court; he doesn't cheat the game."
But it was also, at times, more spoken and specific, directed to every player on the roster, whatever their résumé or role. Including him.
"No matter what, if he passes you the ball and you miss a shot, he doesn't get mad," Douglas said. "He's like, 'It's alright, OK, shoot the next one, have confidence.' The best player in the world saying that to you, that's a great feeling. Knowing that he believes in you, and he has confidence in you."
If you're a part of this culture, I believe you're here for a reason," James said. "Part of being a leader is making people also believe that sometimes they can do more than they actually can do. Giving them a sense of belief and confidence. And for me, I've always kind of done that. And I'm not downgrading what that individual can do. I'm just letting them know that they can do more than what they even thought they can do, and bring more to the game, and bring more to who they are as an individual than they thought they could."
Boobie Gibson sanoi:Sanos muuta. Kuka vittu sitä tosissaan toivoisi menestystä pelaajalle, joka superstara statuksestaan huolimatta on kaikkea muuta kuin kusipää.
Olut-Äijä sanoi:Mielestäsi LeBron ei ole kusipää? ;D Cavaliers aikakaudella oli vielä siedettävä, nyt se on täysi mulkku.
King James sanoi:Hei, tosi hyvät perustelut kuule! Nyt kun tarkemmin ajattelee, niin taidan olla kanssasi samaa mieltä. LeBron buu buu!
LeBron James finished with 32 points, 10 rebounds and five assists, breaking one of Michael Jordan's NBA records along the way, as the Miami Heat polished off the Indiana Pacers 102-90 to take a 3-1 lead in the Eastern Conference finals. It was the 74th playoff game in which James has generated at least 25 points, five rebounds and five assists, surpassing Jordan's previous record of 73 such games. (This was the 151st playoff game for James; Jordan played in 179 playoff games.) James also tied Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's NBA record of 31 playoff games with at least 25 points, 10 rebounds and five assists.
Olut-Äijä sanoi:Mielestäsi LeBron ei ole kusipää? ;D Cavaliers aikakaudella oli vielä siedettävä, nyt se on täysi mulkku.
Henkilökohtaisesti minulla ei ole mitään Heatia vastaan, mutta nämä 2010 "yllätäen" Heatin faneiksi muuttuneet Bandwagonerit ovat naurettavia.
Juuri näinBoobie Gibson sanoi:Kuten Jeff Van Gundy suunnilleen sanoi. Jos suurin virheesi pelaajana on joukkueen vaihtaminen liian suurpiirteisesti, ei ole paljoa valitettavaa.