
NBA-starojen (miksei muidenkin) parhaita lainauksia

Vs: NBA-starojen (miksei muidenkin) parhaita lainauksia

Eikös se Barkley sillon joskus väittänyt itseään maailman kahdeksanneksi ihmeeksi ;D oikea asenne!
Vs: NBA-starojen (miksei muidenkin) parhaita lainauksia

GheorgheMuresan sanoi:
ps. tosta vois tehdä T-paidan

Tuon voisi joku joukkue painattaa lämmittelypaitansa selkään.
Vs: NBA-starojen (miksei muidenkin) parhaita lainauksia

Alipito sanoi:
Eikös se Barkley sillon joskus väittänyt itseään maailman kahdeksanneksi ihmeeksi ;D oikea asenne!

Barkleylla oli myös melkoisesti varaa sanoa. Harvemmin alle kaksimetriset läskit pelaajat dominoivat korinalustaa siihen malliin, kuin Sir Chuck parhaimmillaan.


Vs: NBA-starojen (miksei muidenkin) parhaita lainauksia

Tru Warier sanoi:
Tässä on vanha, mutta hyvä (toivottavasti ei ole ole jo tässä ketjussa):

"Its easy to talk about, its easy to sum it up when you just talk about practice. We sittin' in here, I'm supposed to be the franchise player, and we in here talkin' about practice. I mean listen, we talkin bout practice. Not a game, not a game, not a game. We talkin bout practice. Not a game, not a, not a, not the game that I go out there and die for, and play every game like its my last. Not the game. We talkin' bout practice, man. I mean how silly is that? We talkin' bout practice. I know I'm supposed to be there, I know I'm supposed to lead by example. I know that, and I'm not shovin' it aside, you know, like it don't mean anything. I know its important, I do. I honestly do. But we talkin' bout practice, man. What are we talkin' bout? Practice? We talkin' bout practice man. We talk... We talkin' bout practice. We talkin' bout practice. We ain't talkin' bout the game, we talkin' bout practice, man. When you come into the arena, and you see me play, you see me play, don't you? You see me give everything I got, right? But we talkin' bout practice right now. We talkin' bout practice. (crowd laughs) Man look, I hear you, its funny to me too. I mean, its strange, its strange to me too. But we talkin' bout practice man. We not even talkin' bout the game, the actual game, when it matters. We talkin' bout practice."

- Allen Iverson

"He said "practice" more times than he's actually practiced."
— Larry Brown speaking to reporters the next day
Vs: NBA-starojen (miksei muidenkin) parhaita lainauksia

This is as close to a championship I will ever get.
Jalen Rose (reporting for the Best Damn Sports Show) while celebrating in the Miami Heat Locker room with the 2006 NBA champions.

ps 100 viestiä täynnä huikealla 0.119 viestiä per päivä tahdilla.
Vs: NBA-starojen (miksei muidenkin) parhaita lainauksia

I probably (would have played), but since we were in the hunt for a high draft pick, of course things are different, I understand that. Hopefully things get better. Now that we clinched at least having the second-most balls in the lottery, the last three games we’ll see what happens. We’ll see if we can go out and finish some games.

The players weren’t thinking about the lottery and all that, but reality is reality. Now that our position in the lottery is set, hopefully we can go out and win some games.

Bostonin Ryan Gomes...


Vs: NBA-starojen (miksei muidenkin) parhaita lainauksia

asdfg sanoi:
Kyllä voisit vähentää tolle Montellin tasolle, ni ois meillä kaikilla helpompaa!
Siihen auttaa tää hieno profiilien esto -keksintö. On ollu paljon rattoisampaa selailla kp.comia sen käyttöönoton jälkeen.

Mutta eiköhän palata takaisin topikin aiheeseen. Allekirjoituksessani Charles Barkelyn vastaus kysymykseen, mitä mieltä hän on ihmisistä, jotka kritisoivat hänen pelityyliään.
Vs: NBA-starojen (miksei muidenkin) parhaita lainauksia

"I probably would have voted for Steve or maybe Kobe."

-- Dirk Nowitzki, in a talk with NBA.com's Maurice Brooks after being named the 2006-07 MVP.
Vs: NBA-starojen (miksei muidenkin) parhaita lainauksia

"It maight have been illegal but thanks for helping us to win"
Duncan neljännen finaalin jälee Jamesille.


Vs: NBA-starojen (miksei muidenkin) parhaita lainauksia

Dr.Bb sanoi:
"It maight have been illegal but thanks for helping us to win"
Duncan neljännen finaalin jälee Jamesille.
Nyt meni vähä huti "This is gonna be your league in a while, but thanks for giving it to us this year"
Vs: NBA-starojen (miksei muidenkin) parhaita lainauksia

"I don't think there would ever be a day that I'd ask to leave."(from Philadelphia)

- Allen Iverson, October 01, 2006

Kuinkas sitten kävikään... ;D
Vs: NBA-starojen (miksei muidenkin) parhaita lainauksia

Barkleyn pari hyvää(toivotaan ettei oo ollu jo):

"I'm not a role model... Just because I dunk a basketball doesn't mean I should raise your kids. "

"If I weren't earning $3 million a year to dunk a basketball, most people on the street would run in the other direction if they saw me coming. "

"My family got all over me because they said Bush is only for the rich people. Then I reminded them, 'Hey, I'm rich'. "

"These are my new shoes. They're good shoes. They won't make you rich like me, they won't make you rebound like me, they definitely won't make you handsome like me. They'll only make you have shoes like me. That's it. "

Edit. Unohtakaa noi, Beast olikin jo kirjoittanut ne AIVAN ENSIMMÄISELLE sivulle. Taitaa toi ekakin jo olla täällä, en vain ole vielä huomannut.
Vs: NBA-starojen (miksei muidenkin) parhaita lainauksia

Tommi Evilä: "Tykkäänkö pituushypystä? Tykkääkö pienet terrierit tennispalloista?"


Vs: NBA-starojen (miksei muidenkin) parhaita lainauksia

Tämä tulee Ruotsin kolmiulotteisesta kansantasavallasta:

M7- Boråsin valmentaja (en muista nimeä) ensimmäisiin treeneihinsä tulleellee Cypheous Buntonille (ex FoA 90-luvulla) joka kärsi ankarasta jet-lagista:
"Other guys are running but you can go to the basket in the corner and play with yourself."

Nimeltämainitsematon Boråsin pelaaja yritti ostaa amerikassa meno-paluulippua sanoin "can I get one luck and rebound ticket to New York?"
(menopaluu = tur och retur på svenska = tur = onni ja retur tarkoittaa myös ribaria)
1 722
Vs: NBA-starojen (miksei muidenkin) parhaita lainauksia

"Golf and sex are the only two things that you can be bad at and still have a good time"
- You know who
Vs: NBA-starojen (miksei muidenkin) parhaita lainauksia

Mr. Mef sanoi:
"Golf and sex are the only two things that you can be bad at and still have a good time"
- You know who

Vs: NBA-starojen (miksei muidenkin) parhaita lainauksia

"No matter how beautiful a girl is, she still shits." - Dave Mustaine
Vs: NBA-starojen (miksei muidenkin) parhaita lainauksia

If I wasn't playing basketball, I'd be a criminal. That's the only other thing I knew besides basketball. That's the only other thing that came natural to me besides basketball.
Mike James
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