
NBA-starojen (miksei muidenkin) parhaita lainauksia


Asked by a police officer whether there was any marijuana in his car, Rasheed Wallace replies, “No, we smoked it all up.”

Nimi oli liian pitkä.

Barkley on Seattle Supersonics guard Ray Allen in the three-point contest: "He's got the most effortless jump shot in the NBA. His shot is like my golf swing - no wasted motions."

At the dunk contest, as Josh Smith put a piece of tape down a ridiculous distance away from the hoop and the guys thought he was trying to jump from that point, Charles says: "That's impossible... that's like Dick Cheney trying to find another hunting partner."

After Nate Richardson kept missing dunks at All Star Weekend: "He can't get depressed, he plays for the Knicks."

Eipä tarvinne kovinkaan montaa kertaa miettiä, kuka näin on sanonut...


joku sanonu tällee: "White man can't jump, but they don't miss their free throws"


Nimi oli liian pitkä. sanoi:
After Nate Richardson kept missing dunks at All Star Weekend: "He can't get depressed, he plays for the Knicks."

tarkoittanet Nate Robinsonia? :eek:

Nimi oli liian pitkä.

alley-oop sanoi:
tarkoittanet Nate Robinsonia? :eek:
Luultavasti. Kunhan copy-pastesin mielestäni parhaat uusimmat lainaukset tohon sen enempää näköjään miettimättä.
After Kenny agrees with Charles about a statement during Andre Igoudala's dunk -
Kenny: "I think that's the first time we agreed on anything"
Charles: "We both think you're ugly"
"Just the energy the crowd had...I don't know if it was the Lithuanians...but we need to invite them to more games," said Gordon, who emerged from a recent shooting slump with a shaved head, "Just to change my luck."

4 kolkkia neljännessä erässä omana syntymäpäivänä+iso voitto :-*


paras heitto NBA-pelaajalta on mun mielest tulllu Rasheed Wallacelta, lyhyt ja ytimekäs: The ball don't lie ;D
Pistetääns tänne pitkästä aikaa jotain uutta

"I thought LeBron James was just going to be another addition to help me score,"
- Ricky Davis

"When I hit it I heard the crowd going crazy and I was like, 'Wow, that was a sweet jumper, they must have liked that one.' I had no clue."
- Matt Harpring, on receiving a pass from Mark Jackson and making the jumper that gave Jackson his 10,000th career assist.

It wasn't a big deal, like somebody asking me to go fishing."
- Greg Ostertag, on being asked to donate a kidney to his sister.

"Who wants to sex Mutombo?"
- Dikembe Mutombo in college
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Wanha, mutta menköön:

Mark Heisler of the L.A. Times: ''There's no truth to the rumor Stern is prepared to go to 30 divisions so the Knicks can finish first.''
Jääkenttien Gaselli sanoi:

Luomakunnan huonoimpia lehtiä.
Pistetään pari Rodmanin kovaa heittoa

If you're going to have sex, use a condom.

They say Elvis is dead. I say, no, you're looking at him. Elvis isn't dead; he just changed color.

As long as I play ball, I can get any woman I want.

For five years I've felt like the best prostitute in a high-class whorehouse. But all the other girls get paid more than I do.

I go out with white women. This makes a lot of people unhappy, mostly black women.

I spent money, I slept with women around the league, but I always kept my mind on the game.


en tiä onko ollu jo mut melko tiputtava ;D

On a Vegas golf course...

Tiger: I hear they're going to build a new Super Kmart here.
Barkley: Yeah, where?
Tiger: In the space between your ball and mine.


Shaquille O'Neal on the new ball: "Feels like one of those cheap balls that you buy at the toy store."
Vs: NBA-starojen (miksei muidenkin) parhaita lainauksia

Tässä on vanha, mutta hyvä (toivottavasti ei ole ole jo tässä ketjussa):

"Its easy to talk about, its easy to sum it up when you just talk about practice. We sittin' in here, I'm supposed to be the franchise player, and we in here talkin' about practice. I mean listen, we talkin bout practice. Not a game, not a game, not a game. We talkin bout practice. Not a game, not a, not a, not the game that I go out there and die for, and play every game like its my last. Not the game. We talkin' bout practice, man. I mean how silly is that? We talkin' bout practice. I know I'm supposed to be there, I know I'm supposed to lead by example. I know that, and I'm not shovin' it aside, you know, like it don't mean anything. I know its important, I do. I honestly do. But we talkin' bout practice, man. What are we talkin' bout? Practice? We talkin' bout practice man. We talk... We talkin' bout practice. We talkin' bout practice. We ain't talkin' bout the game, we talkin' bout practice, man. When you come into the arena, and you see me play, you see me play, don't you? You see me give everything I got, right? But we talkin' bout practice right now. We talkin' bout practice. (crowd laughs) Man look, I hear you, its funny to me too. I mean, its strange, its strange to me too. But we talkin' bout practice man. We not even talkin' bout the game, the actual game, when it matters. We talkin' bout practice."

- Allen Iverson
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Vs: NBA-starojen (miksei muidenkin) parhaita lainauksia

Tru Warier sanoi:
Tässä on vanha, mutta hyvä (toivottavasti ei ole ole jo tässä ketjussa):

"Its easy to talk about, its easy to sum it up when you just talk about practice. We sittin' in here, I'm supposed to be the franchise player, and we in here talkin' about practice. I mean listen, we talkin bout practice. Not a game, not a game, not a game. We talkin bout practice. Not a game, not a, not a, not the game that I go out there and die for, and play every game like its my last. Not the game. We talkin' bout practice, man. I mean how silly is that? We talkin' bout practice. I know I'm supposed to be there, I know I'm supposed to lead by example. I know that, and I'm not shovin' it aside, you know, like it don't mean anything. I know its important, I do. I honestly do. But we talkin' bout practice, man. What are we talkin' bout? Practice? We talkin' bout practice man. We talk... We talkin' bout practice. We talkin' bout practice. We ain't talkin' bout the game, we talkin' bout practice, man. When you come into the arena, and you see me play, you see me play, don't you? You see me give everything I got, right? But we talkin' bout practice right now. We talkin' bout practice. (crowd laughs) Man look, I hear you, its funny to me too. I mean, its strange, its strange to me too. But we talkin' bout practice man. We not even talkin' bout the game, the actual game, when it matters. We talkin' bout practice."

- Allen Iverson
"Siiton helppo puhuu, se on helppo tehä yhteenveto, kun puhutaa vaa harkoist. Täs me istutaan, mä oon muka franchise-pelaaja ja me puhutaan harkoist. Kuules ny, me puhutaa harkoist. Ei pelist, ei pelist, ei pelist. Me puhutaa harkoist. Ei pelist, ei, ei, ei pelist, johon mä meen tapattaan itteni ja pelaan ku viimest päivää. Ei pelist. Me puhutaa harkoist, jäbä. Se on meinaa typerää. Me puhutaa harkoist. Mä tiiän, et mun pitää olla siellä, mä tiiän, et mun pitää olla esikuva. Mä tiiän sen ja en väitäkään muuta, tiäksä, niinkun ettei se meinais mitään. Mä tiiän, et se on tärkeetä. Iha oikeesti. Mut me puhutaa harkoist, jäbä. Mistä me puhutaa? Harkoist? Me puhutaa harkoist, jäbä. Me puhutaa...me puhutaa harkoist. Me puhutaa harkoist. Me ei puhuta pelist, me puhutaa harkoist, jäbä. Ku mä tuun kentälle, nii sä näät ku mä pelaan, nii sä näät, et mä pelaan, eiks nii? Sä näät, et mä annan kaikkeni. Mut nyt me puhutaa harkoist. Me puhutaa harkoist. (yleisö hirnuu) Katos jäbä, mä kuulen sua, munkin mielest se on hassua. Mä meinaan, et outoo, se on mulleki outoo. Mut me puhutaa harkoist, jäbä. Me ei puhuta pelist, oikeest pelist, millä on merkitystä. Me puhutaa harkoist."

- suom. Muresan

Kyseessä taitaa olla se aika, kun Larry Brown ja Iverson tappelivat joka asiasta.

ps. tosta vois tehdä T-paidan
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