
NBA-starojen (miksei muidenkin) parhaita lainauksia

Kärppä pelaaja Josef Boumedienne:n heitto mtv3:n haastattelussa kärppien voiton jälkeen:
Nyt loppu toi pastan syöminen ja siirrytään hiiva puoleen
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Kenny Smith: "I think New Jersey has a chance to beat them...if they had Vince Carter all year they'd be the three seed."

Barkley: "Have you been drinking again?"

Barkley on San Antonio Spurs guard Tony Parker's entrance to the game:  "I thought it was very weird the way Tony Parker came in (the arena) today. He was very casual, hugging on his girlfriend (actress Eva Longoria) a little bit.  First of all, the Spurs are not the defending champions."

Ernie: "He's wearing an old (Spurs championship) shirt from 2003."

Barkley: "You don't wear an old shirt from two years ago I might add."

Barkley: "The only time you get to think about the game is on your way to the game.  Sometimes my mom rode to the game with me when she was visiting me and she bugged me to death."
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"I'm always trying to see what the joke is, so I miss the play that's called and I've got to ask a teammate." -- Joe Johnson on the Phoenix's gorilla mascot

JJ Red

Charles Barkley nähtyään Steve Nashin vaimon katsomossa: "She´s an definetely all-star too"!!


Aika tuore kuitti Shaqilta:

The Heat's Shaquille O'Neal on his inability to play due to a badly bruised thigh: "I know one day, I'm going to wake up and it's not going to be there," O'Neal said, referring to the soreness in his leg. "When that day comes, whoever we're playing, they're going to be in trouble ... I've been playing like Erick Dampier."


"You know it's going to hell when the best rapper out there is white and the best golfer is black."

"I don't care what people think. People are stupid."

"We don't need refs, but I guess white guys need something to do."

Vain Barkley päästää tällaista suustaan.
Barkley totesi aktiivivuosinaan levypalloista jotenkin tähän malliin:

"People always ask me about my rebounding techniques. There are no techniques, just get the damn ball!"
D-Troit sanoi:
"You know it's going to hell when the best rapper out there is white and the best golfer is black."
Tosiaan itsekin olen tuon jostain joskus lukenut ja Chris Rockin juttuihin lukeutuu.

Barkleyssa on selvästi ripaus suomalaista maalaisjärkeä. :) Sanoo vain mitä mieleen tulee enempää kaunistelematta. Siinäpä Suomella oikein lähettiläs.
1 753
valTimo sanoi:
Tosiaan itsekin olen tuon jostain joskus lukenut ja Chris Rockin juttuihin lukeutuu.

Barkleyssa on selvästi ripaus suomalaista maalaisjärkeä.  :) Sanoo vain mitä mieleen tulee enempää kaunistelematta. Siinäpä Suomella oikein lähettiläs.

Mahtaa olla turuuuuusta ;)

instant classic

"Isiah Thomas is building a championship team ... too bad it's in San Antonio."
-- Charles Barkley on Nazr Mohammed

3 127
instant classic sanoi:
"Isiah Thomas is building a championship team ... too bad it's in San Antonio."
-- Charles Barkley on Nazr Mohammed

Sir Chuck on jumala... Huhhuh. Kun nyt selailee tätäkin topicia taaksepäin, löytyy kaikista parhaat laakasut Barkleyltä. Go Chuck, GO!


"Yeah, I ain't smart and sometimes I'm complete asshole. So are the most of the players. Then again, this is NBA and nobody really cares."
---Shaq on NBA teammates
"When you are 60, hang out with 60-year-olds, not 20-year-olds. That is all I got to say about Jerry Buss."
Yllättäen Shaqin juttu.
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Charles Barkley (yllättäen) Webberistä joskus kauden lopulla.

"He's become a 6'10'' jump shooter. Get your butt in the box and take the ball to the basket"


TÄs pari...

"There's certain times when you feel like you're not getting respected... Now it's not that time"
-Darko Milicic after the game 4 when Darvin Ham was on the court as center

"Well, Hanno Mottola is.... a difficult name to remember"
-Charles Barkley

"Ja pum!"
-Christer Sarlin


Barkley on Hanno Mottola, who, as EJ remarked "is the first NBA player from Finland". Charles replies: "Of course he is the first NBA player from Finland, he's the only person in Finland."

Tuolta löytyy lisää http://www.clintcam.com/barkley/
1 270
jorkke sanoi:
Barkley on Hanno Mottola, who, as EJ remarked "is the first NBA player from Finland". Charles replies: "Of course he is the first NBA player from Finland, he's the only person in Finland."

Tuolta löytyy lisää http://www.clintcam.com/barkley/

Toi on kyl hyvä, niinku melkeinpä kaikki Barkleyn jutut :)
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