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Nyt tuo Luqman Jaaberin sopimus on uutisoitu Tarmonkin sivuilla. Tilastojen mukaan ihan hyvän tuntuinen kaveri, vai mitäs Jaakko on mieltä?
Mathy sanoi:Nyt tarmo sai kovan vahvistuksen!!LUQMAN JAABER was born in Brooklyn, New York before moving to Richmond, Virginia and becoming known especially for his prolific defensive tactics and coach-like persona on the court. During his Virginia Union career he captained VUU to a National title, South Atlantic Regional Tournament Title, and two consecutive CIAA Tournament titles. The three-time VUU MVP scored over 1,300 points in a four-year college career and led the nation in free throw shooting percentage his senior year (04-05). He led the nation in steals as a junior (03-04) and ranked eighth in the nation in steals senior year (04-05). Currently Jaaber holds the Virginia Union University school record with 103 steals in both his junior and senior seasons (2004-05). He is the only VUU Panther to produce 10 steals in a single game. He was a Portsmouth Invitational Tournament participant and was drafted by the Gainesville Knights of the WBA. Played with the Richmond Generals of the ABA.Linkki: http://gsports.brinkster.net/news.asp
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