
Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

crrc sanoi:
En edes kattonu linkkiä, seuraan koripalloa en sitä showta mikä sen ympärillä tapahtuu.

Väärä topicci sinulle sitten, tämä on nimenomaan turhalle.
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Jokos täällä on muuten keskusteltu Steve Nashin avioerosta ja sen syistä?
9 123
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Beantown sanoi:
Jokos täällä on muuten keskusteltu Steve Nashin avioerosta ja sen syistä?

Ei, mutta pettäminen ei voi olla syy. Kaikki huippu-urheilijat pettää ja vaimo on täysi ääliö, jos jättää miehensä sen takia.

Veikkaisin syyksi HOMOUTTA.
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Eiku ei Steve kato petä, se on niin kiva kaveri. Mutta vaimo saa sen sijaan ruskeita lapsia ja sitten tapahtuu kummallisia treidejä.
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Kesäpelit on ilmeisesti peruttu. Siinä meni pudotuspelien jälkeiset ilot.

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Since LeBron James(notes) stopped being a nominal amateur in the late spring of 2003, Nike has acted as both witness and primary aide in the man's hopeful rise to global icon status. It's nurtured his brand, and the biggest part of that work has been his signature shoes.
As you can imagine, Nike had its top shoe designer, the wonderfully named Tinker Hatfield, work with LeBron. Except, after dealing with LeBron's entourage, the legendary Hatfield decided the work wasn't worth the trouble. At a rare public appearance in Miami, he explained his decision. From Brian Windhorst at the Heat Index:
"I don't like working with LeBron's entourage," Hatfield said. "It's too many people, too many ideas, too many opinions."
It is the second time in the last six months Hatfield has publicly taken a shot at James various friends and managers. During a similar event last October in Santa Monica, Calif., Hatfield told a group of listeners at a shoe store that "I used to work on LeBron's, until his entourage kind of pissed me off."
Hatfield was the main designer on the first generations of James' shoes, starting in 2003. But according to sources, in 2008 he stopped working with him to focus working on Kobe Bryant's(notes)shoes and the Jordan Brand. In the meantime, Hatfield said last week that James' products have "suffered a little bit" and "hasn't done as well as the Kobe stuff."
"[Working with Bryant] one guy comes into the room with him and he has ideas and is very forward thinking and is smart about what he needs to do, what he thinks he needs to do to be a better player," Hatfield said last week.
"LeBron is a great guy, I really like him, but when he comes into the room and he's got like eight other guys saying things. That is one reason why the LeBron stuff, even though it does OK, it isn't quite as exciting to me as the Kobe stuff or what we've done with the Jordan Brand."

Congratulations to Kobe fans, who now have one more piece of evidence to declare that Bryant is a better player, since we have now learned that Kobe knows shoes in addition to being excellent at counting his own rings.
Hatfield's remarks are obviously bad news for LeBron's business sense -- if he wants to be a massive international brand, he probably shouldn't do anything to alienate the top basketball shoe designer in the world. But the amount to which you think this is a problem probably depends on what you think of LeBron, as is usually the case with all manners related to King James.

For instance, if you like LeBron, then it's possible to look at the decision to quit working with him as a sign that Hatfield has reached such great heights at Nike that he can pick and choose his projects as he wishes, opting to take those that have few distractions apart from the work at hand. However, if you don't like LeBron, then it's possible to think that his entourage must have been terribly annoying to make Nike's top designer quit their biggest project.
We should take Hatfield at his word and assume that LeBron's entourage actually did make these discussions more difficult than they need to be. But the amount to which you think they acted out of turn is most likely dependent on how you look at everything LeBron does. He's divisive even when everyone can agree that he and his friends are annoying.
Maverick Carter suututtanut Niken varmaan parhaimman suunnittelijan.
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2


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Erittäin, erittäin mielenkiintoinen artikkeli siitä, kuinka Robert Parishin yliopistoura Centenary Gentlemenin riveissä ei koskaan virallisesti tapahtunut:

[quote author="http://www.mentalfloss.com/blogs/archives/85750"]How the NCAA Made Robert Parish Disappear

by Ethan Trex - April 22, 2011 - 12:09 AM

It’s tough to question Hall of Fame center Robert Parish’s place in NBA history. He won three titles with the Boston Celtics dynasty of the 80s (and added a fourth as a backup with the 1997 Chicago Bulls), made nine All-Star games, and holds the league’s career record for games played with 1611. He must have had a dominant college career, too, right?

Yes and no. Parish was awesome, but according to the NCAA, the games he played in at Louisiana’s Centenary never took place. They weren’t vacated like so many other rule-breaking squads’ wins have been, either. The games technically didn’t count even as they were being played. Let’s look at how an all-time great wound up in such a strange position.


Koko teksti löytyy osoitteesta: http://www.mentalfloss.com/blogs/archives/85750

nimim. "Tarvitsee vielä yhden lisänäytön pudotuspelien aikana"
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Rookien koijaaminen yksin kentälle on klassikko, mutta tästä casesta tekee erityisen huvittavan se, että Brian Cardinal oli todennäköisesti jo tulokkaana kalju päälaelta. Lisäksi tuo Cardinalin punchline toimii aika hyvin.

[quote author="http://mavsblog.dallasnews.com/archives/2011/04/portland-not-a-fond-memory-for-mavericks.html"]
Portland not a fond memory for Mavericks' Brian Cardinal

By Eddie Sefko / Reporter

Brian Cardinal's first NBA game came at the Rose Garden.

Cardinal had been inactive for the Detroit Pistons for the first six weeks of the season in 2000.

During a December road trip, he was activated for the game in Portland.

"I was super-excited, and the team told me to bring them out on the court. 'Lead us to victory,'" Cardinal said. "I run through the tunnel, I get to the court and I'm the only son of a gun out there. The place is packed, and I get the ball from the ballboy and I'm out there dribbling between my legs and getting ready for the layup line, and they're all dying laughing in the tunnel."

The night didn't get much better.

"We got crushed by 30," Cardinal said.
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Laitoin tämän tähän topikkiin, koska oikeasti koko Knicksin kausi on ohi.

[quote author="http://www.slamonline.com/online/nba/2011/04/chauncey-billups-season-could-be-over/"]Chauncey Billups’ Season Could be Over

Billups is doubtful for Game 4 on Sunday and hasn’t been able to run since he had blood drained from his knee on Thursday. From the NY Daily News: “Billups, who missed his second straight game Friday night with a strained left knee, did not sound optimistic that he’ll be ready in time for Game 4 Sunday. If the best-of-seven series goes the distance, Game 7 will be played a week from Sunday in Boston. Asked if that would be enough time for him to return, Billups said, ‘I think it’s maybe a chance. But I don’t know that to be 100% true. I’ll just go day to day and hopefully the cortisone hasn’t kicked in yet. But that’s just me. I’m praying for a miracle.’ Billups had blood drained from his knee on Thursday and has not been able to run since leaving Game 1 in the final minute. ‘It’s so frustrating coming here and knowing I can’t play today, it’s tough,’ he added. ‘It’s the time of season I live for. I’m just trying to do the best I can do to get back on the floor but it’s simply not ready.’”[/quote]
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2


24min. 24/4/5. 9-13 FG. +16. Koko kiri alkoi kolmannen jakson viimeisellä sekunnilla jolloin Royn kolmonen upposi jäätyään hetkeksi korirenkaan päälle lepäilemään.
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Löysin hauskan ESPN player x artikkelin trash talkkista. Vain vahvistaa näkemystäni KG:stä
Garnett is a punk and a coward. I know, I know. Easy for me to say behind this column. Don't worry, I'll tell him to his face, too. And I'm not the only one who thinks that: If you're not on his team, chances are you hate the guy. You can learn a lot about him by watching his eyes. If he's talking to you -- and he's always talking -- he avoids eye contact. My advice to other guys in the league: Stare him down, and he'll retreat. From what I've seen, he'll never mix it up with a player who's bigger than he is. Personally, I think he's scared to fight -- like a playground bully who barks but doesn't bite.

The Lakers aren't as good at it, but the defending champs have an edge over most other teams because Kobe can talk with the best of them while he lights you up and Ron Artest is just weird. One reason he's a great defender is he'll get way too close and whisper in your ear.

Want to get to "The King" and some other prime-time players? Here's one man's go-to material: Drop a "you're riding coattails" on LeBron or remind him he bailed on the Cavs to buy a ring. Mention Dwight Howard's J -- or lack of one; it never fails to piss him off. Call Kobe a fake Jordan. (Just beware you may get posterized for the rest of the game.) Don't bother with Tim Duncan; dude can't hear a thing and never gets rattled. But feel free to remind Tony Parker that "Eva is fine"; wives are over the line, but not exes. Tell Pierce his one ring was all luck. Then have one of your bigger guys step to KG.

Artestin tapa on erittäin hieno.
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IOWA ENERGY voitti d-league-mestaruuden!

Mutta hasutaa on se, että koko sarjaa ei todennäköisesti ole olemassa, koska pelaajien nimet ovat selvästi keksittyjä. Iowan possessa pelaa mm. Stefhon Hannah ja Shy Ely. Joukkuetta valmentaa Nick Nurse. No ei voi olla oikeita ihmisiä nuo.
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Entäpä miltä kuulostaa St. Johnsin yliopistoon menevä prospekti God's Gift Achiuwa ?


only in America..
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