
Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

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[quote author="http://www.boston.com/sports/basketball/celtics/articles/2011/05/13/oklahoma_inmates_tribute_to_larry_birds_number_33_backfired/"]The Bird man of prison

Inmate paid his tribute — and is paying for that, too

HOLDENVILE, Okla. — Just about everyone thinks Eric Torpy is a birdbrain.

In October 2005, Torpy asked an Oklahoma County judge to tack on three more years to his 30-year prison sentence for armed robbery and two counts of shooting with intent to kill.

He said if he was going down, he was going to go down in Larry Bird’s jersey,’’ Oklahoma District Judge Ray Elliott told the Associated Press back then. “He was just as happy as he could be.’’

But after sharing a 10-foot-by-15-foot cell at the Davis Correctional Facility for the last six years, Torpy regrets asking for the extra time.

“Now that I have to do that time, yes I do,’’ says Torpy. “I kind of wished that I had 30 instead of 33. Recently I’ve wisened up.

“That three is a big deal, you know? Three years matters.’’

Torpy will turn 33 this year and is not eligible for parole until 2033.

The 33 imagery doesn’t end there. Put his arms together and the tattoos on his elbows read “33.’’ He also has a small green shamrock tattooed near his eye.

“I’ll always represent Larry Bird,’’ he says. “He’ll always be on me.’’

Artikkelin loppuosa: http://www.boston.com/sports/basketball/celtics/articles/2011/05/13/oklahoma_inmates_tribute_to_larry_birds_number_33_backfired/[/quote]
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Sarjassamme typeryyden maailmanennätyksiä. Toisaalta aika vekkuli tuomari, kun suostui kaverin ehdotukseen. :p
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Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Yle uutisissa juttua Marko Yrjövuoresta. Ihan ok tehty, vaikka se Dallasin joukkueen nimi ei ihan putkeen mennytkään. Loppukevennyksenä Artestin viisauksia. Kannattaa tsekata yle areenalta.
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Ei ollu julkaistu areenassa vielä kun laitoin viestin tänne.

Dallas Maples? Teksasissa varmaan ihan vitusti vaahteroita. :D
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1990 sanoi:
Dallas Maples?
Kyllä siinä ihan oikea nimi oli. Lausuminen vain meni "meivöriksinä", kun suomalainen mave olisi kerrankin kelvannut. Hyvin tehty ja kiva juttu kuitenkin.
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

1990 sanoi:
Yle uutisissa juttua Marko Yrjövuoresta. Ihan ok tehty, vaikka se Dallasin joukkueen nimi ei ihan putkeen mennytkään. Loppukevennyksenä Artestin viisauksia. Kannattaa tsekata yle areenalta.
Urheiluruudun alussa kerrottiin, että yle oli käynyt tapaamassa lakersin fysioterapeuttia Marko Ylöjärveä ::)
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Ihan mielenkiintoinen katsaus siihen, miten NBA:n tämän kauden neljä kovinta joukkuetta on kasattu:

[quote author="http://www.businessinsider.com/nba-final-four-construction-2011-5"]How The NBA's Final Four Teams Were Put Together

Cork Gaines

The NBA season is now down to four teams. And if we take a look at how each of the teams were constructed, we see there are many different methods to solve the madness.

Even the casual sports fan knows that the Miami Heat were built almost entirely through free agency, after they gutted the roster for the purpose of adding LeBron James and Chris Bosh.

But in the era of the salary cap, is free agency the best way way to build a contender?

Let's analyze the rosters of the NBA's Final Four. First, the rules...

We will only look at the 12 active members of each roster.

All players will be categorized as having been acquired by one of three methods: Draft, Free Agent, or Trade. Players that were acquired via Sign-and-Trade, are categorized as free agents. Players that were acquired via trade on draft day are categorized as a draftee.

In addition to looking at the absolute number of players acquired via each method. We also look at what percentage of that team's minutes during the regular season were played by each group.

Tulokset on esitetty taulukkomuodossa täällä: http://www.businessinsider.com/nba-final-four-construction-2011-5[/quote]
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Jos toi hiusraja vielä pakenee vähän enemmän, niin ei pysy enää panta päässä. Pipo seuraavaks?
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TNT:n kameramies on puumametsällä zoomeineen:


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Luin juuri vanhaa Slamia, siellä oli David Leen ja James Whiten yhteishaastattelu. Eikö tästä Whitesta odotettu otain seuraavaa Vince Carteria tai jotain? Kaveri antaa haastattelussa itse parhaan syyn sille, miksei koskaan breikannut läpi NBA:ssa:

"A good dunk changes things", says White. "You can shoot 1-for-37 in a game, but if that one was a nice breakaway dunk, you can change the course of the game. People will be like, 'Good game', even though you were 1-for-37. It's just the most exciting play, and I love to do it because I feel like I'm a showman out there."

:D :D :D
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Style Watch: Coaching in the Disco Era



Loput kuvat täältä: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/multimedia/photo_gallery/0912/nba.coaches.outfits.70s/content.1.html

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http://blogs.thescore.com/tbj/2011/05/27/the-lebron-james-headband-timeline/ :D



Kohta joutuu Jeimssi antamaan periksi ja ajamaan kaljun. ;D
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Viimeksi kun Dirk hävisi finaaleissa, joutui hän lähtemään Australiaan asti nollaamaan tilanteen erakkona ja veti vielä parin kuukauden rännin päälle. Tällä kertaa Miami antaa sakemannille sellaiset kyydit, että kaveri joutuu tilaamaan raketin avaruuteen saadakseen möröt pois kaapista...
Jotta voit kirjoittaa viestejä, sinun täytyy rekisteröityä foorumille. Rekisteröityminen on ilmaista, helppoa ja nopeaa. Rekisteröidy tästä.