
Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2


Joku muukin kuin Kobe taitaa olla vähän huomionkipeä. Ihme teatteria vaikka peli oli jo ratkennut. Hyvällä tuurilla Wade olisi vielä loukkaantunut tuossa...
1 462
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Kannattaako sitä alkaa WNBA-topiikkia väsäämään? Kiinnostaako ketään (muuta kuin minua)?
2 459
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

YoungHoop sanoi:
Kannattaako sitä alkaa WNBA-topiikkia väsäämään? Kiinnostaako ketään (muuta kuin minua)?
Luultavasti ei.
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

YoungHoop sanoi:
Kannattaako sitä alkaa WNBA-topiikkia väsäämään? Kiinnostaako ketään (muuta kuin minua)?
1 006
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

James ja Wade ovat muuten (lähes?) aina yhdessä lehdistötilaisuuksissa ja Bosh yksin. Sanomattakin on toki selvää, että Wade ja James ovat joukkueen johtohahmot, mutta koska edelleen puhutaan Big Threestä, voisi tätä ilmiselvää nokkimisjärjestystä tuoda hiukan vähemmän esiin. En tosin tiedä, kuka noita tilaisuuksia lopun viimein koordinoi.
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

1 763
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Kun en kovinkaan usein tällä palstalla käy niin kertokaa nyt mitä on tapahtunut. Eivätkö kaikki lytänneet Zach Randolphin maan rakoon ja nyt homma toimii mitä parhaimmin?
1 006
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Vato Loco sanoi:
Kun en kovinkaan usein tällä palstalla käy niin kertokaa nyt mitä on tapahtunut. Eivätkö kaikki lytänneet Zach Randolphin maan rakoon ja nyt homma toimii mitä parhaimmin?

Ensimmäistä kertaa taitaa Randolph olla jokaisen mielestä oikeutettu taannoin solmimaansa jatkosoppariin. Onhan Zach latonut ihan kovia numeroita pitkin uraansa, mutta lähinnä NYK:in aikaisten "sekoilujen" takia hänen osakkeensa laskivat. Zach teki aika paljon töitä off-seasonilla tultuaan Memphisiin ja on nyt todistanut pystyvänsä olemaan veteraani johtohahmo ja pelaamaan voittavaa korista.

Youtubesta kun äkkiseltään etsii Zachista pätkiä, tulee heti pari air-ball-tilannetta. Sinänsä hauska, että toisessa niistä irvistää Isiah Thomas ja toisessa Mike Dunleavy. Eli siis, Zach on pelannut aivan umpipaskoissa tiimeissä valmentajia myöten ennen Memphisiin tuloa.
1 763
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Kiitoksia infosta.. Osaisko joku vielä selvittää miten se Nba:n blokkisääntö menee. Muistelisin, että kunhan osuu palloon ensin voi sen jälkeen vaikka tippua hyökkääjän päälle...

Vai olenko nähnyt unta?
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

7 534
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

Hieno kokoelma harvinaisia fotoja Bill Russellista:

2 827
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

hamahakkimies sanoi:
Hieno kokoelma harvinaisia fotoja Bill Russellista:


Uskomattoman suuret kiitokset näistä. Russell on ehdottomasti se pelaaja numero 1 minulle, ollut aina. Kiitos. Ja olihan siellä upeita kuvia myös toisesta ikisuosikistani Kevin Garnettista.
Varmaan ikimuistoisimpia korishetkiä ikinä oli kun Boston voitti mestaruuden 2008 ja KG herkistyi hehkuttamaan Russelille “I got my own. I got my own”.
9 123
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2


Dante vetäny vähän hassuruohoa ja jäänyt kiinni... SHIEEEEEEEEEEET...
7 534
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Phil Jacksonin valmennusura päättyy (toistaiseksi) 1920-luvun lehtimiestä esittävän humoristin kysymykseen:

7 534
Vs: Topikki kaikelle turhalle 2

[quote author="http://hoopspeak.com/2011/05/the-new-abnormality-of-physicality/"]The new abnormality of physicality

By Zach Harper, on May 10th, 2011

Is it that we never have enough talent coming into the NBA in any given summer? Strictly by the numbers, some guys are just going to fall by the wayside when it comes to trying to play professional basketball. There are a maximum of 450 jobs in the NBA and if you theoretically have 60 players trying to join the Association every summer, there is either going to be quite the turnstile effect going on in locker rooms or some guys are just going to fail to realize their dreams.

At a certain point, we end up judging certain players as aborted ventures in the draft selection process. In the last three years alone, we’ve had roughly 19 players taken in the hallowed lottery that are already considered bust picks or are out of the league altogether. Guys like Hasheem Thabeet, Joe Alexander, Jonny Flynn, Earl Clark, Michael Beasley (to a degree), Anthony Randolph (sorry, Ethan), and even Evan Turner have been kicked to the curb and labeled as guys that will just never conquer their expectations.

Why is this?

Lopputeksti: http://hoopspeak.com/2011/05/the-new-abnormality-of-physicality/[/quote]
7 534
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Brian Cronin aloitti erilaisten "legendojen" todenperäisyyden tutkimisen "Comics Should Be Good"-sivuston "Comic Book Legends Revealed"-sarjassa. Sittemmin tuo menestynyt blogi poiki kirjasopimuksen (niin kuin nykyään taitaa olla tapana) ja innoitti miekkosen yrittämään myös uusia aluevaltauksia.

Seuraavassa osoitteessa on listattu ja testattu mitä moninaisimpia koripalloon liittyviä taruja ja huhuja:


[quote author="http://legendsrevealed.com/sports/2009/05/06/basketball-legends-history/"]Basketball Legends History

Here are quick descriptions of each of the previous editions of Basketball Legends Revealed.

To see if they are true or false, you have to click on the link!

#1 - Danny Ainge once bit Tree Rollins during a playoff game.
Jim Thorpe played professional basketball.
Chuck Connors was once punished in a peculiar fashion for his reaction to a tough loss against the St. Louis Bombers.

#2 - The Celtics were once forced to play a game at midnight due to the Ice Capades!
The Celtics swapped the Ice Capades for future Celtic legend, Bill Russell.
An owner accidentally backed his way into the NBA due to another team refusing to have an exhibition with him.

#3 - The NCAA co-owns the trademark “March Madness” even though the Illinois High School Association (IHSA) had been using the term for decades before the NCAA began using it.
A NCAA game once ended with a team playing 1-on-5!
Everett Case created the ACC Tournament.

#4 - Michael Jordan was cut by his high school basketball team.
There was a quota in the NBA in the 50s and early 60s of how many black players could be on a team.
The Harlem Globetrotters began in Chicago!!

#5 - Larry Bird played a game where he shot all of his shots left-handed.
Del Harris once set a pick on Michael Adams during a game!
Dave Cowens once took a break from the Celtics during the season to drive a cab.

#6 - When he was 25, Pete Maravich correctly identified when he would retire and when he would die.
Bill Laimbeer played a Sleestak on the children’s television show Land of the Lost.
Future NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue was Georgetown’s career leader in total rebounds and rebounds per game when he graduated.

#7 - A failed basketball league coup ended up with the Lakers adding George Mikan to their roster (and also perhaps helping to form the NBA).
Michael Jordan bought a fancy team bus for his minor league baseball team to ride around in.
A convicted man asked for his sentence to be INCREASED to honor his favorite baseball player.

#8 - Wilt Chamberlain had an infamously poor reaction to his coach’s invention of morning shootarounds.
Wilt Chamberlain is in the Volleyball Hall of Fame.
A game against Wilt Chamberlain helped convince a college star not to play in the NBA.

#9 - The “Larry Bird exception” to the NBA salary cap got its name from the Celtics being the first team to go over the salary cap to re-sign one of their players, namely Larry Bird.
While in the NBA, Dave Bing went to work for the same bank that denied him a mortgage for a house.
An NBA player tried to get a triple double though a somewhat…odd fashion.

#10 - Los Angeles Clippers guard Eric Gordon played Michael Jordan’s son in the film Space Jam.
A 2001 game between Michigan State and the University of Virginia was canceled due to a bizarre situation with the floor of the court.
There was an amusing ending to the first NBA game ever to be replayed - the so-called “Phantom Buzzer” game.

Ta da![/quote]

Linkit artikkeleihin löytyvät siis osoitteesta: http://legendsrevealed.com/sports/2009/05/06/basketball-legends-history/

Lisää tapauksia ilmestynee tasaisen satunnaisesti.
7 534
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Jälleen kerran "ei niin turha"-uutinen tähän topikkiin. Itse kuitenkin tulkitsen tuon otsikon enemmänkin sellaisessa "kaikkea sekalaista"-hengessä.

[quote author="http://www.freep.com/article/20110512/SPORTS06/105120549/Robert-Tractor-Traylor-34-found-dead-Puerto-Rico"]Robert (Tractor) Traylor, 34, found dead in Puerto Rico

From the moment he arrived on campus in the fall of 1995, Robert (Tractor) Traylor was a cult hero.

Michigan held a Midnight Madness and -- simply because of his pedigree as the state's Mr. Basketball on the heels of the Fab Five -- he was a star.

When he brought down a basket, breaking the backboard glass during a game at Crisler Arena, the crowd, though stunned, roared.

And when Traylor led U-M to the 1998 Big Ten tournament championship, he was beloved by Wolverines fans.

Traylor was found dead Wednesday in Puerto Rico. He was 34. Police in San Juan said in a statement that he was found on the bedroom floor of his oceanfront apartment. Police and Traylor's team, the Bayamon Cowboys, said he had been missing for a few days and apparently died from a heart attack.

Though Traylor will be remembered for his college highlights, he will be remembered for his transgressions as well, including legal and financial troubles and his current 10-year dissociation from U-M because he accepted money from booster Ed Martin, which, in part, led to severe NCAA sanctions.

Those who knew him well describe a person few outsiders imagined.

"He was a one of a kind, a true specimen both on and off the court," said Robbie Reid, a U-M teammate in 1997-98. "One of my all-time favorite teammates. What I've always liked to point out is Rob was a really good dude, a true gentle giant. Off the court, he was fun-loving, really happy, and a genuinely nice person. I don't think that came out in his public persona, in the trouble surrounding him."

After starring at Detroit Murray-Wright, Traylor thrived for three seasons at U-M before entering the NBA draft. Dallas took him with the sixth pick in 1998 but dealt him to Milwaukee.

His NBA career lasted seven years, but he never distinguished himself as many expected given his extraordinary skills for a 6-foot-8, 300-pounder. He needed surgery for an enlarged aorta in 2006. He was still playing professionally in Puerto Rico, 13 years after leaving U-M, although he was recently sidelined with an undisclosed injury. "The fans loved him, idolized him," Cowboys manager Jose Carlos Perez told the Associated Press.

"You don't see players of his stature have that type of mobility," said former U-M coach Brian Ellerbe, who coached Traylor in 1997-98. "The closest I've seen in person was Charles Barkley. You don't see guys hovering around 300 pounds most of their career be that agile and that fluid."

Ellerbe, who kept in touch with Traylor and had a long conversation with him in November, said he was "very shocked" by his death.

"He was one of those players who obviously impacted you in several different ways," Ellerbe said. "Both as a person and a player because he was such a gregarious figure."

Because of the NCAA sanctions and disassociation, U-M declined to comment about Traylor except for a statement from athletic director Dave Brandon: "We are saddened to hear about the loss of a former student-athlete, Robert Traylor. Our sympathies go out to his family during this difficult time."[/quote]

Tuolta linkin takaa löytyy myös hienoja kuvia: http://www.freep.com/article/20110512/SPORTS06/105120549/Robert-Tractor-Traylor-34-found-dead-Puerto-Rico

(Hieman kyynisempi tyyppi saattaisi kiinnittaa myös huomiota kohtaan "Dallas took him with the sixth pick in 1998 but dealt him to Milwaukee". Toisaalta kuolinuutisissa ei taida olla sopivaa retostella huonoilla treideillä.)
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