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Vs: LeBron James
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Onko bändivaunu tyhjenemässä?
Kannattaa kysyä KJ:lta suostuukoo kaveri ottamaan vedon vastaan jallupullostaMokeski sanoi:Missä voin lyödä vetoa sen puolesta, että tämä nähdään ensikaudella pelissä jotain Charlottea vastaan?
Maurice sanoi:LeBron James in 2012:
Regular Season MVP
NBA Title
NBA Finals MVP
Olympic Gold
Top Clutch Player: Remember all of those jokes about LeBron James not being clutch? James put an end to them last season. Not only was James the fifth-best clutch scorer in the league during the 2011-12 regular season, he delivered when the HEAT needed him most in the postseason. During the playoffs, there were three occasions when Miami trailed in a series – down 2-1 to the Indiana Pacers, down 3-2 to the Boston Celtics and down 1-0 to the Oklahoma City Thunder. James was phenomenal in each of the following games, scoring 40 points, 46 points and 32 points. In the past, James had a tendency to disappear in big games or opt to defer in the final minutes. That’s no longer the case. Last year, he averaged 40.4 points per 48 minutes of clutch time, which is defined as less than five minutes in the fourth quarter or overtime when neither team is ahead by more than five points. James’ critics will have to stick to jokes about his receding hairline because the clutch jokes no longer make sense.